Meeting Minutes: April 2023

April 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on April 27, 2023 at 7:12pm
  • Minutes from the March meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • No report
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Greg S
    • 21 new members
    • Total membership is 500 total members
    • Cars and Coffee on April 16.
      • At least “dozens of people” stopped by the tent to talk to Greg. He talked with participants and showed videos
      • Overall it was a good event – Club just need to decide if we want to continue doing them and with what frequency.
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Website traffic is still running into cache issues, needs to be cleared occasionally. It’s better overall but still need some care
    • Saw a signification increase in users over previous month (new and previous users)
    • 2 people unsubscribed from newsletter
    • The Squeal had 46.9% open rate & little over 5.5% click through
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • For the main Facebook group there was:
      • 13 approved
      • 7 declined
    • For the rallycross group there was:
      • 5 approved
      • 6 declined
  • Autocross Report: Chris Brown
    • Event this weekend
    • Timing may be moved closer to truck and registration to avoid moving moving equipment more than needed
    • May try a new system for corner workers during this season where there is a corner chief with checklist of those that are supposed to be working, in the bucket. Radios will stay in the bucket. Since workers get their assignment first thing in the morning so they don’t have to stand by the registration table get their their assignments just before they go out to course.
    • Additional sponsor for the club – OSS – Operational Speed Support
    • Melissa said that Hanover Auto Group wants to be an additional sponsor at the $750 level
  • Rallycross Report: Andy Bierach
    • Last weekend we had 2 events. School on Saturday (10 students) and points even on Sunday
    • Sunday had 47 competitors. Things went well other than timing had some technical glitches
    • Course held up fairly well, some sites started to rut up. More course maintenance will be in the future at some point.
  • Road Rally: Adam Dellinger
    • We decided to postpone the event and will hold the event in the fall. Adam plans to reach out to South Mountain Partnership to discuss partnership opportunities for funding and/or promotional assistance.
  • Old business
    • RallyCross rake
      • Need to determine if the club wants to buy it outright. RX team will use it again and making a decision
    • Timing computers
      • Need the computers to deal with RX dust – perhaps something that’s mil spec rated and/or does not have a fan
      • Jake Limm has access to free/low cost laptops that we can try for a while and see how it lasts but we have concerns about them dying mid-run and then taking taking the time to switch computers in the middle of event
      • Jake and Andy will look for new computers that fit the need and report back with options for consideration by May 5th.
  • New Business
    • No new business
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:59pm

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