Meeting Minutes: September 2023

September 2023 Membership Meeting

  • Meeting called to order on September 28, 2023 at 7:21pm
  • Minutes from the August meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report:
    • No report this month
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Greg Szczyrbak
    • 2 new members since last meeting
    • Total membership is 471 total members
    • New Rallycross membership incentive idea proposed from Greg to consider
      • If a current participant brings a new person that has never participated before, then if they both come back a 2nd time, they both get half off registration fee.
      • Rallycross Chiefs will continue to consider this idea
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Website: New users – 1000 , 19% more than what we had in previous years
    • 26% more traffic in August
    • Soon the website will be moving to HostGator as host
      • Jake and Natalie continue to work on simplifying website content
    • Squeal went out successfully, had a 50% open rate, 40% clickthrough rate – about 950 members delivered the Squeal.
      • Squeal has gotten better with appearance and contact
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • For the main Facebook group:
      • 24 approved new members
      • 6 new members declined
      • 2315 total membership
    • For the rallycross group:
      • 10 approved
      • 13 declined
      • 1377 total membership
  • Autocross Report: Melissa Mauro
    • There was an incident at the last autocross event. Participant is doing well and is recovering.
    • In the future, Chiefs should make EMT aware that they are able to drive their vehicle to the site of an incident if one occurs.
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • Had an event on the 9/9/23 – 34 people signed up, which is a little lighter than normal
    • Used the new Microsoft Surface at this event – worked well despite the smaller screen (compared to larger monitor)
    • “RallySprint”-like event at Rausch Creek is still under development. This would be hosted by a group outside of our SCCA Chapter. This group requested to rent the Susquehanna SCCA chapter’s “rallycross rake” that is used to groom the course at the Farm Show
      • The Board previously discussed this request, and decided for liability reasons, the club will not rent the rake any outside group.
  • Road Rally: Mike Chilcote
    • South Mountain Partnership grant was not awarded
      • Partnership and Big Hill Cider Works will still promote the event on social media
    • Regardless, we are moving forward
    • Currently, there are 5 cars signed up on MSR to attend
    • There was some discussion about the value of leaning on Instagram as a way to track the participants and award points
  • Old business
    • Barn Road rally: Lisa has heard no updates – that particular club may not be as active
    • Carlisle car events – Lisa Leathery and other members volunteered at the booth and shared information cards to promote the club.
  • New Business
    • Capital police want to do a trunk or treat – looking for about 35 cars that are decorated for Halloween. Date planned for 10/21/23
    • Getting ready for nominations for board positions next year. email for nominations will go out via email and nomination via MRS. Other options for nominations are next the in-person meeting.
    • Melissa shared that there was a request that our Chapter support a PHA banquet brochure ad for $100 to sponsor full page ad in their banquet brochure. Motion was made for $100 ad, board voted, all in favor.  Motion passed.
    • For the Susquehanna banquet location – we are looking for a new a location that might be lower cost than previous locations.
  • Good and welfare
    • Individual affected but the incident at the last autocross is currently in the hospital – members are encouraged to perhaps visit or prepare food to offer
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:43pm

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