Meeting Minutes: October 2023

October 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on October 26, 2023 at 7:02pm
  • Minutes from the September meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report:
    • No report this month
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Adam Dellinger on behalf of Greg Szczyrbak
    • 8 new members since last meeting
    • Total membership is 469 total members
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: No report
  • Facebook update: No report
  • Autocross Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Chris Brown will be away at last event. Anyone that can help during the day would be greatly appreciated.
    • Over the last several years, the club provided certificates to the 3 winners of match tour event. Certificate value is $45 each.
      • Melissa asked for a motion to continue to offer these certificates for this year.
      • 5 voted in favor, 2 board members were absent
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • Had 31 competitors attend what essentially turned into a mud event
    • Core team did some additional work to the York Rake. Still needs a little more work on the off season, but overall it’s still working well for the course.
    • Core team will work to compile season points soon
  • Road Rally: Mike Chilcote
    • Road Rally was last weekend, and it went very well.
    • 17 teams competed
    • Some attendees that attended Big Hill Ciderworks cars and coffee event were looking through promotional event for the club – it was good outreach for the club.
  • Old business
    • No old business
  • New Business
    • Secretary announced Board members nominations for 2024
      • Regional Executive, 1 nomination: Melissa Mauro
      • Assistant Regional Executive, 1 nomination: Mike Chilcote
      • Treasurer, 1 nomination: Alan Lesher
      • Secretary, 1 nomination: Adam Dellinger
      • Director, 1 nomination: Andy Bierach
    • No in-personal nominations were provided at the meeting.
    • All nominees accepted.
    • No election will be required this year as there were not contested positions.
  • Banquet
    • Lisa Leatherly has been looking for new potential venues
    • Lisa got a quote for the River Room at the Susquehanna Club
      • It will be a little over half price compared to last year’s banquet. Package would include 2 drink tickets per person, everything else over that for drinks would be cash bar.
      • Requires $1000 deposit
      • Feb 24th would be the date of the banquet
      • Melissa requested a motion for the Region to move forward with the meal/alcohol package that includes 2 drink tickets per attendee
        • A vote was held: 5 voted yea, 2 absent
      • There will be a banquet planning meeting evening of 11/30
        • Since we do not have an official club photographer, it will take a little work to find pics of each car.
  • Good and welfare
    • The individual affected but the incident at the last autocross is now home from the hospital, and undergoing physical therapy and doing well and is in excellent spirits.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:39pm

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