Meeting Minutes: April 2024

April 2024 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on April 25, 2024 at 7:02pm
  • Minutes from the March meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report:
    • Kassel Performance is a new sponsor and they have paid. Leadership will work on getting their logo etc on the website.
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Greg Szczyrbak
    • 23 new members since last meeting
    • Total membership is 514 total members
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Squeal
      • 511 emails out of 960 were delivered and opened, 52.2% open rate.
      • Just shy of a 7% click-through rate
    • Website
      • Melissa will talk to Ben Burkhart about potentially being signed up as a $500 sponsor in exchange for taking photos and providing photos for end of year trophies.
      • When it comes to the new website we expect glitches here and there and they will be fixed, but membership can feel free to note any issues they see and notify webmaster
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • Rallycross Facebook page: 11 new approved members, 10 declined
    • Main club Facebook page: 33 new approved members, 8 declined
  • Autocross Report: Melissa Mauro
    • First event on Saturday
    • Chris Benfer is starting in his new role as Autocross Chair. Melissa will not be on site very much for the next couple of Autocross event but other members have stepped up and will fill in as needed if she is not on site.
    • School at the May event will be next up
    • Club truck has been inspected
    • Rob reviewed the motorcycle course schedule and it does not look like there are any courses scheduled for the Elmerton lot this year.
    • There will be a Chief discount code setup in MSR ahead of the first event of the year.
    • CS CSM and CS X will be new classes included in registration options. Marcus has included PAX numbers for these classes.
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • School and first points even is complete.
    • 10 people for the school, and 46 entries for first points event
    • John would like to emphasize course maintenance this year.
    • Rallycross Cones are getting really worn down and broken. John requested that Melissa order 60 new cones.
    • John updated the group that we had one UTV attend the last event. The UTV was set up specifically for Rallycross and owned by a fellow Rallycross Chair from another region. For the future, John is leaning towards just allowing UTVs that are set up for Rallycross, not necessarily bone-stock UTVs.
      • Could open this up in the future, with extra safety restrictions. For example, if they go 2 wheel off the course at any given time, they could be pulled from competition.
  • Road Rally: Mike Chilcote
    • No updates
  • Old business
    • Bylaws
      • Small change – rather than audited by public accountant, they will be reviewed annually.
        • No objections, bylaws revision passed.
  • New business
    • Club truck needs better maintenance schedule
      • Tires usually flat, sometimes battery loses charge
    • Club shirts
      • New club t-shirts
        • A mock up shirt design has been produced. Shirt quotes to date would be roughly $10 a shirt and the plan would be to sell around $20 a shirt.
  • Good and welfare
    • Steve Lembert passed away recently, he was very involved with the club.
    • David Walter recently passed away as well, and would often come to Susquehanna club meetings.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm

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