Meeting Minutes: August 2024

SCCA August Regional Meeting
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Call to Order 7:01

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • Add sponsors to website (Ben Burkhart Photography, Kassel Performance)

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher

  • AX / RX income & expenses discussed

 Membership Committee Report — Greg

●       4 new members

  • Total 495 vs 473 this time last year

Club Communication – Limm/Felty

  • 6% open rate (July issue) – 1,010 recipients
  • Website traffic down compared to May
  • Light version of website complete in case website goes down again (which it won’t)
  • New website design in process
  • Marcus fixed refreshing live timing to 1 min but it actually took ~4 min to refresh
  • Post-event, fixed issues with timing that occured during the event
  • Facebook – RX: 11 new members approved, 6 declined, <.5% growth
    AX: 19 new members approved, 3 declined, 2,560 members total

 Autocross Committee Report — Mauro/Benfer/Springer

●       First unofficial novice meeting after novice walk – had to come up with impromptu meeting. For future, have notes/meeting points prepared (cone calls, where to be when, etc.)

  • Review radio protocol during driver’s meeting – streamline calls, add a sticker on bucket with calls, laminated paper on walkie, etc. for review by corner chiefs/workers when they go out to course
  • Redid numbers on the bucket with Sharpie
  • Change walkies to low power so they last longer – they take AA batteries. Keep track of batteries before we load the truck to have enough on hand
  • Got white buckets to help with overheating timing equipment
  • Ben Burkhart inquired about “photographer” lanyard – provide him with safety vest (above the flags in the truck). MM & NL will create/make badge with SCCA lanyard
  • Cones are in rough shape (limiting number of cones on course cause we’re so light) Should be good for the remainder of the season, but get a pricing quote and order more for next season. Don’t need to have “SCCA” cause company we order them from might not do that anymore
  • Make sure all jobs are fulfilled when starting heats. Ie: waiver person wasn’t there during one heat and wasn’t replaced. Critical that all roles are replaced if someone has to leave or didn’t show up (especially waiver role or the more important positions)
  • Perhaps we limit open gates to one and two once we start racing to limit random people coming and going without signing waivers

Rallycross Committee Report Report — Roscinski

●       41 entries for August 3 event

  • Rain/lightning delay
  • Put landing gear on rake

Scavenger Road Rally Report — Chilcote/Dellinger

  • TBD

Old Business

  • Truck maintenance – new truck battery negative terminal, topped off (please note mileage and gallons it took if you fill it up – paper in the dust-proof pouch), checked tire pressue – all at 80 (bad one only dropped 5 lbs in a month)

New Business

  • N/A

Comments, Announcements or Good and Welfare announcements

Motion to Adjourn

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