Note from the Regional Executive

Latest from the Regional Executive

It’s hard for me to believe that this will be the last note I write as your regional executive, after four years serving on the board.

As I reflect on those years, I can recount our fair share of ups and downs. The ups are easy and fun to remember, right? They’re exciting things like starting new programs, winning region of the year from national and finding new and exciting venues. The downs, on the other hand—while they’re easy to remember—they’re also unpleasant; the most prevalent one in our case being the loss of venues over the last year.

Ups and downs are not only expected, though. They are necessary, and push us to make changes that further the goal… to continue having fun with cars. That’s why we’re all here, after all.




For the last time — Kristen Poole
Regional Executive
Susquehanna Region SCCA

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