Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

February 23, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and looking around noticed some new faces. A new member, Eric, introduced himself, who is interested in autocross. There was also a guest, Jamie.

There was a motion to accept the last month’s minutes and Dave moved they be accepted and so seconded and approved.

Alan gave the treasures report and the club has incurred expenses for the banquet as well as some other items. No income reported since it is the off-season and no events happening. Alan did receive a thank you card from the commander of the American Legion and Veteran’s of Foreign Wars honor Guard of Jersey Shore, PA for the donation that the region gave in honor of Dennis Cipriany.

Kristen gave a report as assistant RE about the safety stewards training that is coming up in Philadelphia on March 5, and there are three new people planning on attending.

Steve gave an update on the membership and the region all time high was at 361 members but it has slipped to the current number of 351. Kristen gave Steve a current list of members whose membership has lapsed and Steve will make a few calls to notify those members in case they forgot to renew.

Geoff gave a report on the autocrosses and the first event will be the last weekend in March — the 26th and 27th — at Hershey. There was discussion about the club truck and when to hold the clean up/organization workday and it was decided to be done on March 5th around 10:30AM. The region is planning on buying one new digital sign for events. Ashley said that she is all set as the worker chief for the upcoming series. There will be no season #’s for the series and they will be assigned on a first come basis for each event. Kristen is handling the trophies and had a sample of the glass that will be lettered for the events for everyone to see. There was a motion to allow the purchase of trophies and it was seconded by Alan. Geoff set a meeting time for 6:30 AM the days of the autocross events for setup.

John said that the rallycross events will be starting in April with a school, on April 16.

Kristen said that everything is going well with the region newsletter The Squeal, and that it is receiving about the same amount of hits each month. Kristen received a round of applause for the fine job she is doing with the newsletter! There was discussion about the redesign of the website and that the person helping with it is doing it free of charge as a way to build her portfolio.

Alan asked about how people will be able to find out what is official vs. hearsay pertaining to what is heard on social media. It was determined that the website content will be the official version.

No old business and under new business it was reported that the Corvette club had lost its access to the Manheim lot it had been using for its autocross events.

Under good and welfare Dave made mention that at the Rolex 24 event the Corvettes did OK verses the Porsches.

There was a motion to adjourn by Dave and seconded by Kristen and Steve said that everyone was OK to stay and continue talking about anything they would like to discuss.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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