Autocross (SOLO) Beginner’s Guide

What is autocross?

Autocross is a timed driving contest designed to test your driving skill. Explore more of this autocross beginner’s guide section to learn more before joining us for an autocross event.

How does autocross work?

In the Susquehanna Region, autocross events are held in very large parking lots. In other regions, they are sometimes held at inactive airstrips, and occasionally portions of road racing tracks. Obstacles are generally orange road cones (pylons), and you drive through the course in sequence and avoid hitting the cones. If you hit a cone, you are assessed a time penalty (2 seconds). Because you are not running door-to-door with another car, the focus is on your driving skill against the clock, and not on avoiding other moving vehicles.

Your car is classed with similar cars based on it’s potential and/or modifications. Modifications are not necessary, in fact, the stock/street classes are often the most popular. Your car, including suspension and tires, should be in good running condition and a helmet is required (loaner helmets available).

Explore the rest of this Autocross Beginner’s Guide for more detailed information about autocross events with the Susquehanna Region SCCA. You can also checkout the Video page to get a small taste of the action, then join us at an event and hop in as a passenger with a skilled driver, if you’d like!

Autocross Contacts & Event Information

Visit our Autocross Event Calendar or for event information, find autocross leadership contacts, or contact us if you have any questions.

Useful Links

Autocross FAQ

Getting Started

The North American Motorsport Journal

National Solo Rules

Go Ahead, Take The Wheel

SCCA Fast Track News — Supplemental regulations, classing changes, and mid-year updates from SCCA

NE Division of SCCA


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Hanover Auto Team

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