The Susquehanna Region of the SCCA — like all other SCCA regions — operates on a volunteer-basis only. The individuals below are the people responsible for making the club run. We’re always looking for additional people to step up and take the club to the next level. If you’re interested, have ideas for the club, or just want to get involved, please contact us now.
2025 Susquehanna Region Executive Board
Regional Executive | Melissa Mauro | 570.220.9367 |
Assistant Regional Executive | Michael Chilcote | 717.357.0942 |
Treasurer | Alan Lesher | 717.486.4087 |
Secretary | Natalie Limm | 717.880.7061 |
Director, 3 Year | Rob Springer | 717.712.2375 |
Director, 2 Year | Andy Bierach | 717.443.3366 |
Director, 1 Year | Jason Felty | 717.222.0015 |
2025 Club Committee Members
Melissa Mauro — Club Registrar
Jason Felty — Social Media Administrator
Larry Cronin — Autocross Membership Chair
Greg Szczyrbak – Rallycross Membership Chair
Vacant — Web Administrator
Jake Limm — Editor, The Squeal
2025 Autocross Committee
Jared McGahen — Autocross Co-Chair
Chris Benfer — Autocross Co-Chair
Rob Springer — Autocross Co-Chair & Course Design Chief
Chris Benfer — Timing Chief
Travis & Ron Gross — Registration Chiefs
Don Hirt — Safety Chief
Andrew Lobb — Tech Chief
Dennis & Derek Latshaw — Novice Program Chiefs
Kenny Adam — Worker Chief
Markus Houser — Equipment Manager & Results
Autocross Venue Committee
Rob Springer — Venue Scout
Lisa Leathery — Venue Scout
Dennis Latshaw — Venue Scout
2025 RallyCross Committee
John Roscinski — RallyCross Co-Chair
Cory Eagle — Tech Chief
Eric Ford — Safety Chief
Andrew Williamson & Julia Stewart — Timing Chief & Results
Andy Bierach — Registration Chief
David Chilcote — Novice Chief & Assistant Registrar
Mike Chilcote — Course Designer & Assistant Registrar
Eric Ford — Worker Chief
Markus Houser — Equipment Chief
Club Bylaws
Susquehanna Region SCCA By-Laws (revised 03.22.2025)
Duties of Course Design Chief
- Prepare lot maps or other needed material before the events
- Create a general course design prior to meeting for course setup
- Arrive for course set-up (early the event morning or the day before as lot availability dictates)
- Coordinate with members to be sure we have enough workers to help set up (work with the Worker Chief as needed so that members aren’t assigned two work shifts)
- Direct the course design effort with the assistance of the core workers – the course must conform to Solo GCR requirements
- Review the course design with the Safety Steward for the event and make changes as appropriate
- Drive the course or have someone else drive it prior to the event (preferably in a non-competition vehicle) to test the actual flow and feel of the course, making any changes desired
- Gather feedback from drivers during and after the event to improve future course designs
Duties of Equipment Chief
Year-end qualifying position This position is responsible for making sure the equipment (radios, displays, cones, PA system, supplies, etc) is in good working order and setup for each event. This includes recharging batteries, checking timing cord continuity, and making appropriate repairs and/or purchases to ensure equipment works.
Duties of Worker Chief(s)
The worker chief is responsible for staffing all worker positions during the event. He/she assigns work responsibilities in a timely manner according to the skills and abilities of the individual.
- Work with the Solo Chair to determine appropriate run/work order between close of registration and the start of the event
- Create a list of work assignments for each driver prior to the event; adjust as needed during registration and during the event itself
- Assign workers to assignments prior to event, if possible, or during registration at the event if necessary
- Be at registration tent (or designated spot) early for each heat to ensure assigned workers make it to their proper stations on time
- Be at registration tent (or designated spot) early for each heat to ensure that worker tools make it to each station. (radios/flags/extinguishers/cones)
- Explain worker “tips” and safety instructions during the driver’s meeting.
- Be at registration tent (or designated spot) at the end of the event to count and collect all worker tools (radios/flags/extinguishers/brooms)
- Check inventory of worker tools at each event and request from Solo Chair(s) if tools need repair or replacement
- Instruct/coach/assist workers as needed (course/timing/grid/etc)
Duties of Novice Chief(s)
- Perform Novice Course Walks prior to each event (or designate someone to perform). Course walks should cover the following at a minimum: General safety guidelines (speeds, red flags), Basic autocross information (how grid works, how the start light functions, cone penalties), How to read a course in general (standing vs pointer cones, general strategies), Review of that specific course, focusing on not getting lost and basic driving tips, How to work the course as a corner worker
- Be available to answer questions from novices throughout the event – essentially act as the face of our club to people new to the sport
- Support instructors by doing instructor runs when needed
- Follow up with Novices after each event to get feedback on their experience, encourage anyone to become involved with the group through membership, Facebook, website, etc; Let them know when the next few events are; Answer questions they may have about the event or club
Duties of Tech Chief
The chief of tech ensures that a team of tech inspectors is at each event and are prepared for technical inspections. He/she is responsible for administering the Annual Tech program and making sure the appropriate supplies are on hand for tech inspections. This person may also have to work a “per heat” assignment.
- Ensure that all competing vehicles receive a technical inspection.
- Be available during the day to make judgment if a damaged car can safely continue competition.
- Occasionally watch vehicles performing on course and deal with mechanical issues that can turn into safety issues
- Setup tech station or roam to complete tech for each car; supplies include tech sign, materials box, helmet chart, tech stickers, inspection sheets and helmet stickers
- Check for loose suspension/engine bay parts/excessive leaking/bad tires (threads, bubbles, snow tires)/bent wheels/unsecured items in car/Helmets.
- Responsible for ensuring that all vehicles entered for the event meet safety standards as specified in the SCCA Solo Rules by overseeing the technical inspection process.
- Setup Tech Area
- Assemble the tech crew
Duties of Timing Chief
- Setup timing station (tables/start light)
- Position and line up timers on course; Ensure new batteries
- Connect timers to laptop
- Test the timing system prior to event start
- Ensure that the timing workers are ready to go at the beginning of each heat
- Ensure and train enough timing workers so that you do not have to end up working timing during a heat
- Be available throughout the day if timing problems that cannot be figured out by timing worker or available event staff
- Check times at the end of each heat to ensure all competitors have the proper number of runs logged
- Print and post times at the end of each heat
Duties of Safety Chief
- Verify that sanctions requests are correct and present on site for events
- Arrive for course set-up (early the event morning or the day before as lot availability dictates)
- Approve course designs and work with Course Design Chief and Solo Chair for any needed adjustments
- Run safety portion of driver meeting
- Supervise event logistics per the Solo Safety Steward guidelines
- Field member and attendee concerns and observations for safety risk or violation
- Operate as point of contact for incident reporting
- Assist Solo Chair and other chiefs in venue acquisition for safety guidelines and information
Duties of Registration Chief
The chief of registration oversees the registration process, makes sure that registration workers are assigned and understand the job requirements, all needed equipment and supplies are available and set up, and that the registration process is as pleasant and hassle-free for the competitor as possible. Specific duties include:
- Arrive for setup time; setup registration tables and Ez-Ups
- Be at the registration table from start to finish, with the exception of course walk, whenever possible
- Assign assistants to aid with registration
- Ensure proper forms are filled out (Weekend members/registration paperwork/waivers)
- Ensure competitors are checked in correctly on iPads/computers
- Assist with, or identify/appoint someone who can assist with classing questions
- Check form inventory and request more from Chairman if needed
- Verify competitor has credentials to drive (valid license, SCCA membership card, etc)
- Count money collected; verify money matches entries
- Be accountable for all money collected until turned over to Treasurer at the end of registration with report on number of entries, merchandise sold, etc.
- Handle walk-up registrations and wait listed drivers (as applicable)
- Handle all paperwork including signing waivers, sending in weekend membership paperwork to National office and providing Secretary with copies of all paperwork post-event
Duties of RallyCross Safety Chief
- Must possess current Rallycross Safety Steward endorsement
- Verify that sanctions requests are correct and present on site for events
- Arrive for course set-up (early the event morning or the day before as lot availability dictates)
- Approve course designs and work with Course Design Chief and RX Chair for any needed adjustments
- Run safety portion of driver meeting
- Field member and attendee concerns and observations for safety risk or violation
- Operate as point of contact for incident reporting
- Assist RallyCross Chair and other chiefs in venue acquisition for safety guidelines and information
Duties of RallyCross Co-Chair
Ultimately responsible for the Region’s RallyCross program and is the interface to the Region Board. He/She sets the direction of the program, plans the season, and performs or delegates the critical tasks required to put on the region’s RallyCross events.
- Sets the direction of the RallyCross program for Susquehanna Region
- Utilizes surveys after key events to determine reaction to changes and gather general feedback from members to drive future decisions
- Gathers additional feedback from members based on discussions at events, social media, etc.
- Appoints members of RallyCross committee including all chiefs of major disciplines at events including tech, registration, timing, novice, course design, grid, results, and any other identified as necessary for smooth event and program operations
- Ensures that all RallyCross committee chiefs complete required duties as defined by the Region
- Identifies new core members to be mentored and pushes program chiefs to train their replacements; at least two region members should know how to run each chief position
- Replace committee chiefs, as necessary, if not completing required duties
- Works directly with venues to identify and coordinate event dates
- Coordinates EMT/Port-a-Johns, as necessary
- Applies for all sanctions through National office and completes event audits within 5 days of each event
- Runs the Drivers’ Meeting during each event and makes announcements during events as needed
- Address disputes, protests, etc. at the events on an as-needed basis
- Back up program Chiefs or fill in additional responsibilities as they arise
- Provides program report at all member/board meetings
- Schedule any/all necessary committee meetings to ensure program success
- Attends year-end special board meeting to decide trophies for the season
- Provides necessary agenda items to Regional Executive 10 days before all board/member meetings
- Sends event reminders to venue contacts at least 7 days before event date and all chiefs/core workers at least 5 days prior to events
- Provides any/all content to be included in the Squeal regarding the RallyCross program to the editor at least 10 days prior to monthly board/member meeting
- Provides webmaster all relevant information for event listings for web calenda
- Provides webmaster any/all additions/changes to program web content
- Coordinates any/all efforts required for new venue acquisition including appointing club members to handle venue scouting and venue communications
- Develops the program’s annual budget/schedule, with Treasurer/Board assistance
- Chooses event trophies and gains board approval on cost at least two months before first event of season
- Presents all RallyCross-related awards at year-end banquet
Duties of RallyCross Tech Chief
The chief of tech ensures that a team of tech inspectors is at each event and are prepared for technical inspections. He/she is responsible for making sure the appropriate supplies are on hand for tech inspections. This person may also have to work a “per heat” assignment.
- Ensure that all competing vehicles receive a technical inspection.
- Be available during the day to make judgment if a damaged car can safely continue competition.
- Occasionally watch vehicles performing on course and deal with mechanical issues that can turn into safety issues
- Locate and set up tech station/ roam to complete tech for each car.
- Physically verify the following for each competition vehicle:
- Throttle return
- Battery tie down
- Brake functionality
- Seat belts
- Tightness of steering/tie rod ends
- Tightness of ball joints
- Tightness of wheel bearings
- No other loose suspension/engine bay parts
- No excessive leaks
- No bad tires (cords, bubbles) or bent wheels
- All unsecured items in car are removed
- Helmets for all drivers and passengers meet current SCCA standards
- Have a jack and jack stands available for more detailed inspections if necessary.
- Responsible for ensuring that all vehicles entered for the event meet safety standards as specified in the SCCA RallyCross Rules by overseeing the technical inspection process.
- Apply appropriate markings/stickers to indicate vehicle/helmet has passed tech
- Tech stickers or window chalk
- Helmet stickers
- Assemble the tech crew
Duties of RallyCross Timing Chief
The timing chief is responsible for ensuring that all competitor times and penalties are recorded as accurately and fairly as possible.
- Accept computer from Chief of Registration and verify that all competitors have been entered properly
- Setup timing station (tables/display[s]/hotspot/etc)
- Connect timers to laptop
- Test the timing system prior to event start
- Provide audit sheets
- Operate timing when not competing and work with Worker Chief or Stage Captain to assign timing workers
- Be available throughout the day if timing problems that cannot be figured out by timing worker or available event staff
- Check times at the end of each heat to ensure all competitors have the proper number of runs logged
- Print and post times at the end of each heat
- Accurately calculate and apply bogey times according to the RallyCross supps to competitors who receive a DNF
- Review and post finalized event results to the club website
- Tabulate season points according to regional RallyCross supps rules after each event and post to the club website
- Maintain and repair rallycross specific timing components and advise Chairman if repair/replacement is required
Duties of RallyCross Registration Chief
The chief of registration oversees the registration process, makes sure that registration workers are assigned and understand the job requirements, all needed equipment and supplies are available and set up, and that the registration process is as pleasant and hassle-free for the competitor as possible. Specific duties include:
- Arrive for setup time
- Setup registration tables
- Setup Ez-Ups
- Be at the registration table from start to finish, with the exception of course walk, whenever possible
- Assign assistants to aid with registration
- Ensure proper forms are filled out (Weekend members/registration paperwork/waivers)
- Ensure competitors are checked in correctly on iPads/computers
- Assist with, or identify/appoint someone who can assist with classing questions
- Check form inventory and request more from RallyCross Chair, when needed (chair to request from RE/board)
- Weekend Membership forms
- Minor Waivers
- Waivers
- Membership brochures
- Verify competitor has credentials to drive (valid license, SCCA membership card, etc)
- Count money collected; verify money matches entries
- Be accountable for all money collected until turned over to Treasurer at the end of registration (or next membership meeting) with report on number of entries, merchandise sold, etc.
- Run report for Timing chief to import into timing software (as applicable)
- Handle walk-up registrations and wait listed drivers (as applicable)
- Paperwork
- Sign waivers (if not pre-printed with authorization signature)
- Within three (3) days of event, send weekend membership paperwork to National office
- Provide Secretary with region copies of all paperwork including weekend memberships and waivers
Duties of RallyCross Worker Chief
The worker chief is responsible for staffing all worker positions during the event. He/she assigns work responsibilities in a timely manner according to the skills and abilities of the individual.
- Work with the RallyCross Chair to determine appropriate run/work order between close of registration and the start of the event
- Create a list of work assignments for each driver prior to the event; adjust as needed during registration and during the event itself
- Be at the registration table from start to finish (approx 8am to 10am) to assign workers.
- Be at timing trailer early for each heat to ensure assigned workers make it to their proper stations on time
- Be at timing trailer early for each heat to ensure that worker tools make it to each station. (radios/flags/extinguishers/cones)
- Be at timing trailer at the end of each heat to accept radios from workers
- Explain worker “tips” and safety instructions during the driver’s meeting.
- Be at timing trailer at the end of the event to count and collect all worker tools (radios/flags/extinguishers/brooms)
- Check inventory of worker tools at each event and request from Chairman if tools need repair or replacement
- Instruct/coach/assist workers as needed (course/timing/grid/etc)
Duties of RallyCross Novice Chief
- Perform Novice Course Walks prior to each event (or designate someone to perform). Course walks should cover the following at a minimum:
- General safety guidelines (speeds, red flags)
- Basic RallyCross information (how grid works, cone penalties)
- How to read a course in general (standing vs pointer cones, general strategies)
- Review of that specific course, focusing on not getting lost and basic driving tips
- How to work the course as a corner worker
- Be available to answer questions from novices throughout the event – essentially act as the face of our club to people new to the sport
- Support instructors by doing instructor runs when needed
- Follow up with Novices after each event
- Get feedback on their experience at the event so that we can improve
- Encourage anyone to become involved with the group – become a full SCCA member, join the Facebook group, go to our web site, etc.
- Let them know when the next few events are so they don’t have to look for it
- Answer any questions they may have about the event or the club
Duties of RallyCross Equipment Chief
This position is responsible for making sure the equipment (radios, displays, cones, supplies, etc) is in good working order for an event. This includes recharging batteries, checking timing cord continuity, and making appropriate repairs and/or purchases to ensure equipment works.