Meeting Minutes: May 2021

Meeting called to order at 19:06
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-meeting called to order.
Treasurer Report.  Finances were discussed for the month of April. Income from the autocross and rallycross events was brought in.  Most income is being reported behind the expenses due to how MSR pays out.
Membership Report. Andrew Lobb. Total membership at 434 members. Efforts being made to recruit at RallyCross events as well as autocross.
Social Media Report. Jason Felty.  24 new members. No major issues to report. Suggestion made to make Jason Felty an admin on the Rallycross Facebook page because of his excellent work on the main page.
Autocross Report.  Chris Brown, Rob Springer, Melissa Mauro.  Recap of events. All is good from events. Safety talks at drivers meeting led to a reduction in incidents. Discussion was had to disallow scooters at events when the course is active/hot due to safety concerns.
Rallycross Report.  Nick Landis & John Roscinski.  Recap of first points event. No major issues to report. Discussion of having water truck at future events to reduce dust issues.
Rally Sprint- Nick Landis. Weather once again caused delay of first event. Now slated for mid July.
Old Business-Melissa Mauro. Helmets were received.
Markus Houser-discussion of radios was had due to their age. Prices and procurement was discussed and Markus was to do more research on the matter.
Road Rally-Fulton County declined to have a road rally in 2021. Efforts were made to look into hosting a fall one in another location.
New Business-
Meeting adjourned 20:08.

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