Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
November 25, 2014
Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the November 25th membership meeting to order at Gilligan’s Restaurant at 7:27 PM.
Steve introduced a guest – Area 2 Director Terry Hanushek who talked about the duties of …

Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2014
Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the October 28th membership meeting to order at Gilligan’s Restaurant at 7:30 PM.
Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. All is well for the rest of the year.
Steve …

Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2014
Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the September 23 meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Gilligan’s Restaurant.
Treasurer Alan Lesher reported on the club finances. The treasury remains in good shape but the balance …

Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
August 26, 2014
The August Membership Meeting was called to order by Steve Limbert at 7:31 PM on Tuesday, August 26th at Gilligans Restaurant.
Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. All is well for the rest of …

Meeting Minutes: July 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
July 22, 2014
The Tuesday, July 22nd Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s was called to order by acting Regional Executive, Henry Brillinger, at 7:31 pm.
Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Autocross and rallycross incomes rised net income …

Meeting Minutes: June 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2014
The Membership Meeting held at Gilligans Restaurant in Harrisburg on Tuesday, June 24th was called to order by RE Chris Paveglio at 7:30. The May meeting minutes as printed
in The Squeal were approved …

Meeting Minutes: May 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2014
The Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, May 27th was called to order at 7:30pm. As Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, was on vacation, Assistant RE Henry Brillinger called the meeting to order.
Alan Pozner …

Meeting Minutes: Apr. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
April 22, 2014
The Membership Meeting at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, April 22nd was called to order by Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, at 7:49pm. Dave Walter moved and Alan Pozner seconded that the March meeting minutes as printed …

Meeting Minutes: Mar. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
March 25, 204
The March 25 membership meeting was called to order at Gilligan’s Bar & Grill by Regional Executive, Chris Paveglio, at 7:30pm. Dave Walter moved and Geoff Craig seconded that the January meeting minutes as …

Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2014
Regional Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2014
The February 25th member- ship meeting was called to order by Regional Executive Chris Paveglio at 7:32pm. Dave Walter moved and Ed Wormer seconded that the January meeting minutes as printed in The Squeal …