Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2016
November meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he mentioned some faces that he doesn’t normally see and thanked them for attending.
Steve asked if everyone had read the minutes posted and …

Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2016
Steve called the meeting to order at 7:30 and mentioned that he saw some new faces in the corner but they had been at a meeting before. Steve reported that a region member and …

Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
September 27, 2016
Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he introduced Jack Burrows as a guest and Jack is running for area 2 director and will address the meeting later. The region did have …

Meeting Minutes: Aug. 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he asked if we had a quorum and we did. Our guest for the night was our area’s national director Terry Hanushek and …

Meeting Minutes: July 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2016
At 7:30 the SCCA Susquehanna Region monthly meeting was called to order. Alan opened the meeting with a Treasurers report. We had income from both Autocross and Rallycross in June. As of the end …

Meeting Minutes: June 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
June 28, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and I was still eating my dinner so Steve started at the end of the meeting and worked back to allow me to finish …

Meeting Minutes: May 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2016
Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30. The region received a letter about a classic car show and anyone is welcomed with a back to 50’s theme on July 16, 11AM—4PM. For more …

Meeting Minutes: April 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2016
Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and there were people/members present. Someone is interested in running a Yugo?
The March meeting minutes were approved as posted.
Alan reported that income exceeded expenses …

Meeting Minutes: March 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Steve, who noticed a new visitor and someone said he had a Yugo with a V8. It was Russ Addie who, in the past, was an autocrosser …

Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2016
Regional Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2016
Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30 and looking around noticed some new faces. A new member, Eric, introduced himself, who is interested in autocross. There was also a guest, Jamie.
There was …