Meeting Minutes: June 2017

June 28, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:31 by Kristen Poole. May minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

Membership report by Kristen Poole: Membership as of the morning of the meeting was at 400 members.

Treasures report by Alan Lesher: Funds distribution from the MotorsportReg registration is changing. Funds were distributed at the end of the month of the event. Now they will be distributed the beginning of the following month.

Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: We were working with Penn State Harrisburg to hold AX events on one of their lots. Penn State withdrew their approval. This venue will not be available for future consideration.

RX report by John Roscinski: The last RX event had to be cancelled due lot condition and inclement weather. All prepaid/preregistered participants have had those payments and registrations moved to the next event, July 15th, which will be the divisional event, pending divisional approval. A makeup event will be scheduled for the already-contracted November 18 rain date. There are currently 48 entrants signed up for July 15th.

AX report by Solo Chair Chris Benfer (read by Kristen Poole): July 2nd marks the halfway point in the AX season. A Solo committee meeting is to take place in July. Benfer and Lesher reviewed finances and confirmed fund availability for trailer acquisition. Quotes have been requested and are expected by the end of August. Previous AX events will be reviewed to set up a spending plan for future AX events/seasons.

Questions/comments: Question posed on current season points standings not being available online. Kristen advised she will update the website with the current season points once corrections have been made.

Old Business:

  1. Combination of MOD and Prepared classes: Questions were posed about how the classes would be combined as far as PAX is concerned. Clarification provided: once the two classes are combined they will be a brand-new class. The new class will be the only one that exists in PAX. There are additional questions that could not be answered at this time. This item has been referred to Chris Benfer for clarification
  2. Truck repairs: Markus advised the truck has not been repaired and at the least the broken shock will need to be welded back onto the truck. A motion was made to allocate funds to have the truck repaired. Motion was seconded and carried. Markus will obtain quote(s) and have the truck repaired.

New Business:

  1. Question posed to Markus on the status of fixing the timing equipment due to a participant’s spin-out. Markus advised the items damaged have already been repaired/replaced.
  2. At the last event we had a participant dump oil throughout the Farm Show parking lot and left a puddle in the spot the vehicle was parked in. There was limited supplies available on the truck to address the spill. At that event, a different participant had to go to the store to purchase item(s) to clean the problem. It was requested that the truck be stocked with items to address any future oil leaks. Markus will stock required items in the truck.
  3. Suggestions were made to look at having a large scale joint event with another SCCA Local Chapter. It was advised that BMR is unable to hold any AX events due to a lack of someone to run their AX program. It was suggested we could possibly do an AX event in their territory that the BMR autocrossers would be able to attend/assist with. Topic was tabled to be revisited at a later date.

Motion to dismiss @ 20:02 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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