Meeting Minutes: May 2017

May 24, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:31 by Kristen Poole. April meeting minutes were read and approved.

Membership report given by Kristen Poole: The region exceeded 400 members, which is an all-time high. If that number is sustained, it will put Susquehanna in the large region segment per National SCCA for the first time ever.

Treasurer’s report given by Alan Lesher: Income information is limited due to limitations in the new registration system. The system cuts a check once a month causing funds to be reported in the next month’s income statement. May’s event income will be provided in June.

Assistant RE report given by Doug Austin: The banquet is set for January 13, 2018 to be held at Sheraton Harrisburg Hershey Hotel at 4650 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg PA 17111. The costs associated with the banquet are essentially the same with the same type of sit down style dinner. Block rooms will be available at a discounted rate.

AX report given by  Geoff Craig: We had an Autocross on May 28, 2017 with 127 entries in the AM session and 89 in the afternoon.

RX report given by John Roscinski: A tractor will be needed prior to the next event to take care of some potential hazardous spots. No further headway on the potential use of personal farm land of Woody’s as the township is currently giving push back on such an event.

Old Business: Trailer update was tabled until next month. Facebook and website are doing well with no new news.

New Business: It was voted on to have a MOD and Prepared PAX Class. Motion was carried and the classes will be added to PAX.

Meeting was adjourned @ 19:51

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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