Meeting Minutes: November 2017

November 21, 2017

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 453 members as of this afternoon. That is an increase of 36 members since October 1st. We will be over 400 at the end of the year. This will make us a Large Chapter for the 2018 season.
  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: Income and distribution for both AX and RX were reviewed.
  • Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: Spoke to ABC and they are happy to have us back next year for our monthly meetings. The meeting will need to be switched to the 4th Thursday of every month due to availability. We have booked the venue for the entire 2018 calendar year. Please note there is no board meeting for December 2017 but meetings will resume on 1/25/2018.
  • AX report by Chris Benfer:
    • AX planning committee will start meeting via private Facebook group to be set up and managed by Chris. This will allow us to voice concerns and/or discuss ideas back and forth. This way we can nail down some things before the physical planning committee meeting in February.
    • On the acquisition of a club trailer: See Old Business for details.
    • The Hershey event went well. We had a lot of participants from outside our region and outside the state. We had 2 guest course designers. The mixing up of heat orders was received very well according to post event surveys. The event went so smoothly we had time to do fun runs post-event on Sunday.
  • RX report by John Roscinski: RX held their last 2017 season event on 11/18/17. There was a lot of rain that caused issues with mud at the event. Even with the inclement weather all who participated did have fun. There were some timing issues that requires further investigation. The novice walkthrough was a little rough, but it was the first time it was being done. It is something that needs to be tweaked and continued.
  • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: Facebook is continuing to show great participation by members. The classifieds are still not being used much with no posts on the site at this time.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. The most clicked link from the Squeal is the classified section of our website.

Old Business:

  1. Business Cards: The cards have arrived and have been disseminated to the members of the bard. This item is closed.
  2. National Convention: All items that needed to be booked for the National Convention has been booked. This includes hotel, plane tickets, etc. Attending will be Kristen Poole, Doug Austin, John Roscinski and Melissa Mauro. They will leave from Baltimore on 1/18/18.
  3. Trailer Acquisition: Chris went to obtain the quote and see what trailers they had on site. Chris will send the quote out to the board. For the trailer with all the modifications we need (ie windows, shelves, wiring, outlets, lights, etc) the quote comes to approximately $17k. If we install pre-done desks under the windows and additional shelves the quote comes to around $23k. The needs surrounding the trailer purchase have changed due to improvements made during the season and the purchase of the new truck and RX has concerns surrounding the new truck and a trailer The quote is being sent to the board for review and tabled for further discussion.
  4. Truck:
    1. Kristen Poole completed all necessary PennDoT work. The U-Haul truck is titled to us, Marcus Houser has the title, weight stickers, insurance info, etc. Marcus put the license plate and tags on the truck.
    2. Marcus Houser has priced items needed for the interior of the truck. Several options on shelving types, and layouts were discussed. Due to all the mixed ideas Kristen Poole motioned to create a Truck Committee to find and move forward on the best way to utilize the open expanse of the U-Haul. The new committee will be run by Marcus Houser. Alan Lesher, Bryan Roper and Rob Springer will be members on the newly formed committee. Should you wish to participate on the new committee please reach out to Marcus, Alan, Bryan, or Rob.
  5. Sponsors: A reminder to all that we are still looking for sponsors for the 2018 season. We have lost 2 of our sponsors and are currently down to 2 sponsors. The Sponsorship Package documents are available for all to see and use. If you have someone you want to approach to sponsor us and need the package information, please reach out to Kristen Poole and she will forward you all necessary information.

New Business:

  1. Executive Board voting: Only 1 contested position, Director 3 year is open for vote. Brian Holmes opened voting for any members in good standing who has not yet voted and would like to. Motion was made to accept votes as cast, it was seconded and passed. Marcus Houser will keep the 3-year Director position.
  2. RX Radios: New radios are needed for RX. Marcus Houser is to bring a cost list for this item to the next meeting.
  3. Web Hosting: In the off-season Kristen Poole would like to move our web hosting to Site Ground. They offer a whole list of great benefits including automatic backup. The new company runs $5.95 a month. The existing host is very slow. We have a large amount of data and graphics on our site which bogs down load speed. Motion was made, seconded, and passed to move hosts. Kristen will work with Marcus to move the site from the current host to the new host.
  4. Season long Annual Regional Tech Day: Alan Lesher would like to have a region wide tech day late Feb, early March. He offered his place for a venue. Hillclimb cars now have the option of annual tech. The option is now also available for Solo. You would get a tech card and a sticker that allows your Solo vehicle to be teched for the whole season. Regional tech must be done by someone with a National Tech License for Solo. Steve Hyatt is the person who would oversee the Tech Day. Steve is going to send Alan a list of days that he is available over the winter. Chris Benfer, as AX Chair, is on board with a season long tech inspection. A motion was made, seconded, and passed. Alan Lesher to coordinate.

End of Year Banquet:

  1. Awards: 1st place winners will all get a jacket. They run $80.00 each in completed state. Remaining awards will be a mix of glass etched awards and plaques. The price of all awards comes in at about the same price as the photo awards have run in years past.
  2. End of Year Banquet Committee (EoYBC):
    1. Assistance is needed in setting up everything that remains to be done for the banquet. The EoYBC is being chaired by Doug Austin. The following people are members of the committee Kristen Poole, Melissa Mauro, Bryan Roper, and Kevin MacDonald. If you wish to assist, please reach out to Doug Austin to volunteer.
    2. Door prizes are still needed. In years past we have gone to different auto parts stores and lobby for donations. Any door prizes that we could not get donated were paid for from a $100.00 fund. Doug motioned to increase this amount from $ 150.00. The motion was seconded, voted, and approved. Kristen Poole and Melissa Mauro to handle door prizes.
  3. Perpetual Trophies: Doug Austin has location and has possession of all the perpetual trophies right now except the Lynn DeHeart Memorial Trophy. No one can locate where this trophy was last located or if it ever existed. Deb Kay who has done our trophies for many years indicated they do not have record of us ever purchasing a Lynn DeHeart Memorial Trophy. Some of the older trophies are really starting to show their age. They may need repaired if possible or they may need replaced. We haven’t handed out the perpetual trophies before but are looking at actually moving the perpetual trophies on to the current recipient each year. A motion was made to pay for a replacement for the Lynn DeHeart trophy if we are unable to locate the original. The motion was seconded, voted, and carried.

Good, Welfare, Announcements, and Miscellaneous:

  1. On 11/11/17 Doug Austin, Bryan Roper, and Kristen Poole attended Mini-con in DC got to talk to directors from all over. Doug and Kristen spoke to our increase and changes that were made within our chapter. Kristen was asked to speak at the National Conference. Brian and Doug got their safety licenses renewed. While at the meeting it was learned that the Junior Kart Program is getting revamped. There are additional licenses that will be required for any chapter that runs Junior Karts.
  2. Lisa Hicks has been released from the hospital into a rehab facility. She will be going home Friday 12/05/17. She lost her left leg. They are trying to save her left arm. Kristen has been keeping up with her progress. She is very thankful for all of the donations, including the one made by the Susquehanna SCCA.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:47 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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