Meeting Minutes: April 2018

April 26, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:33 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 692 members as of today. 108 away from being bumped to a Jumbo Region.
  • RE report by Kristen Poole: After a 50 year history of autocrossing at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg, the 2018 season will be our last season at the venue. The Elmerton Avenue grass lot will remain available to the RallyCross program. We were informed by the venue that — as part of their capital improvement plan set to begin this fall — they will be repaving and lining the parking lots at the complex in early 2019. After the work is complete, they will not host any more racing or driving events that allow vehicles to travel over 15mph.

Monthly Reports

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • AX report by Chris Benfer & Chris Brown:
    • RX & AX Coordination — RX is Saturday 5/12 and AX is Sunday 5/13. Coordination was discussed for getting needed truck items from the RX lot to AX Lot.
    • Trophies — 2018 individual event trophies have been ordered. Tall glasses are for first place, shot glasses are for second and down. The total order did come in under budget. The trophies should arrive by 5/10 and be available for the May 13 double header.
  • RX report by John Roscinski:
    • 4/21 School — The RX went off successfully with 16 participants. The instructor leading the school has been rally crossing for approximately 15 years and he did an outstanding job.
    • 4/22 Event 1 — The event had 60+ registrants scheduled to attend. Day of produced 49 participants. Participation levels continue to be good. Coordinators felt the event could have gone a little smother from an administration standpoint. From a participant standpoint it was relayed the event appeared to go off without a hitch. The drag beam and flags worked well. The change to iPads at registration had a bit of growing pains but RX is confident this will reduce the amount of time to get through registration once registration workers become confident with the software and changes. Kristen will be obtaining a bullhorn to make announcements easier to hear. Timing was cordoned off with caution tape which reduced spectators in the timing area making timing go smoother.
    • Truck — This was the first event where the new truck was used. The layout in the truck worked well making set up quicker.
    • Trophies (Adam Moore) — 2018 individual event trophies have been received and went over well with the trophy winners.
    • Timing Equipment (Brian Roper) — Possible vendors for equipment supply have been identified. The possibility of utilizing RFID based system was discussed. More research into the RFID as opposed to the pneumatic hoses is required. Brian is going to get with Marcus Houser off line to discuss requirements further.
  • Social Media report by Doug Austin: We are currently at 944 members on the AX Facebook page.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: It has come to the editor’s attention that the Squeal newsletter was being sent to the wrong email list. The incorrect list is substantially smaller than the correct list. The error has been rectified and the newsletter is now being sent to the correct list. Due to the increase of distribution we did see the open rate go down slightly to 30%. Squeal content is now being received in a timelier manner and is greatly appreciated.
  • Venue Committee Update by Chris Brown: The committee is in contact and discussing possibilities. Some possible venue contacts have been made already. No new venue has been secured as of yet.
  • AX School/Test N Tune by Henry Brillinger: HB has been in talks with Carlisle Events to use their 1/4mile AX/Go-kart track. Carlisle Events has accepted our most recent proposal. We have approval to utilize the track for 1, 2 or up to 3 days for an exclusive autocross school (no sharing the track with any other club/drivers). Henry will be working with Chris Brown (Jr. Solo Chair) on scheduling.

Old Business:

  1. Truck Committee: The new truck is almost 100% set up on the interior. Brian Roper needs to complete installation of LED rope lighting in the body of the truck along with some minor labeling and securing items located in the elevated bunk area. Graphics need to be installed on the exterior of the truck. Marcus investigated pricing the old truck for sale. Considering improvements and recent repairs on the truck $2500 appears to be a good pricing for the sale of the truck. He agreed to contact Bill Bickle who has expressed interest in purchasing it. Old timing equipment is ready for sale. It was brought to the committees’ attention that BMR is looking for timing equipment. The committee will reach out to BMR and gauge their interest in our old timing equipment. Kristen purchased the sandbags previously discussed to hold down the E-Z Up tents. 10 bags have been purchased, filled with sand, and are currently housed in the new truck ready for use. Disinfectant spray has been ordered to care for the loaner helmets. The spray will be housed in the truck and available at all events.
  2. Road Rally: An email was received from National. They received a request from someone in Fulton County. They are looking to have a Road Rally in Fulton County spotlighting some of their historic barns. Lisa Leathery has agreed step up and get the ball rolling on this event.
  3. Cars and Coffee: Doug is proposing adding Cars and Coffee events. This would be an outreach to the general public and to car interested individuals. Lisa Leathery has taken the lead on this as well. She is working on securing a venue and is working with Doug to get this event up and going.

New Business:

  1. Administration – Bylaws: An email was sent out with the 2018 revised bylaws. The updated bylaws were up for discussion and voting. No updates or changes to the proposed bylaws are needed. They have been accepted and approved as posted. It was noted that a specific clause was added into the bylaws at the suggestion of National. It gives the region the ability to suspend members due attitudinal issues. This clause allows us to sanction members following warnings should unwanted behavior continue. This does not include suspending members from events. To block problematic competitors from events the supplemental rules for each program would need to be modified to include that sanction.
  2. North Eastern Division Mini Conference: Susquehanna Region has been contacted to host the 2018 NEDiv Mini-Con and the board has agreed to host. It is scheduled for February 2019. Kristen and Melissa will be doing the coordination of this event. If you’re interested in helping, please contact them.
  3.  Drones (by Adam Moore): A competitor has attended the last 3 RX events and is extremely interested in running drones at Susq SCCA events. There are a lot of regulations required by national to have drones at events. A $10 million insurance policy along with FAA license are required by National. Once the SCCA requirements are met the venue owner must be broached with the request. None of this includes any FAA/government requirements. No drones are allowed at Hershey Park. Drones may not be allowed around the farm show lot due to HIA being so close. From a RX Safety standpoint if all National, Venue, and Legal requirements are met this should not be an issue.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:55 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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