Meeting Minutes: August 2018

Aug 26, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: We are at 690 members as of today.
  • Announcements: A big thank you to Jake Limm who is our new webmaster.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report by Chris Brown:
      • Event Overviews: Sept 9 Farm Show points event, the final Farm Show event is coming up.
      • Event Overview York 10/27: This will be treated as a single event with a cap of 80 participants. The cost will be $80 for 8 runs per participant.
      • Venue Acquisition Committee Update (Chair, Chris Brown): There are upcoming meetings and continual contact with possible venue locations. More information will be coming.
    • RX report by John Roscinski:
      • Timing Equipment (Bryan Roper): Race America Timing Equipment has been purchased and should be here in time for the 9/22 event.
      • Event recap: 8/18 event went well. The autocross timing equipment was used and worked well.
      • Upcoming events: A 9/22 non-points event has been added to the season to meet TNiA grant requirements.
      • BMR is interested in our old tag system (lights and timers) but they need a firm price before they can vote on it. A price was set by the board. Doug to work with Bryan to provide new/additional contact information.
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro):
      • This event is scheduled for November 3rd at the Lancaster County Training Center. To date 3 people have signed up for the school. The region has not done any advertising advertising yet, but Tire Rack has.
      • All sanctions and contracts have been completed along with all necessary supplies being received. We are still in need of instructors.
      • A minimum of 15 instructors are needed. Please consider signing up to instruct at this event. If you complete the instructor requirements please contact Melissa to advise.
    • Road Rally 10/6 (Lisa Leathery):
      • Facebook page (Barn Quilt Road Rally) for the Road Rally is up and running.
      • Course: The route has been test run by Henry Brillinger. Some fine tuning to the course is being done. Safety will be running the course the weekend of 8/23. The event starts in the morning at the Fairgrounds in McConnellsburg and ends early afternoon.
      • Administration and workers: Registration and finish help is needed. Lisa is looking for 6 people to assist. If the workers wish to run the rally they will be first off at the event, so they can be done and work scoring. Volunteers should contact Lisa Leathery.
  • Club Communication
    • Web report by Kristen Poole: Jake Limm has been officially listed as the website administrator online. He will work with Kristen on the site maintenance and, moving forward, Committee Chairs can provide changes directly to Jake.
    • Facebook Report (Doug Austin): Doug is working on opening a Facebook page that is not a closed group. This will allow the events to be posted publicly as hosted by the Susquehanna SCCA instead of hosted by Doug Austin. Events will continue to appear in the events in your area section of Facebook.
    • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: Open rate is 25% and click rates are 33%. The amount of people getting the newsletter has increased from a list of about 200 to almost 800, which accounts for the drop in open rate.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • North Eastern Division Mini Conference (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): A request was made to the board to approve $2000.00 to cover the upfront cost all supplies needed (minus food & beverage). This upfront cost will be recouped as long as a minimum of 75 participants attend. A Motion was made, seconded, and approved.
    • Truck Committee:
      • Vinyl is complete
      • The old truck has not been sold, but we do have a purchaser interested. If they do not buy the old truck by the September deadline, we will send it to scrap.
      • The new club truck will be taken to Mark Hetrick’s shop for some minor break and other repairs that are needed.
      • Lights will be put in after the truck is done in the shop.
    • Cars and Coffee (Lisa Leathery): The event is this weekend at the Radisson. Please come out and bring your car. The truck will be there to make sure our banners are up and cards with event details will be available. There is a coupon for the restaurant available on the Race cars and Coffee Facebook event page. You will need to print and bring the coupon to use it.

Old Business:

  1. Bank changes: all approved changes have been made. This is closed.
  2. Markus purchased the tent walls and they are in the truck. This is closed.

New Business:

  1. Kristen Poole opened a discussion about the 2019 National Convention in Las Vegas, January 2019.
    1. In 2018 the club spent approximately $3000 to send 4 people to the event.
    2. At the 2019 event, Kristen Poole has been asked to present at (3) sessions and Bryan Roper has been asked to present a RallyCross session.
    3. Kristen proposed sending 4 people in 2019. She already approached NEDiv to verify if grants are available for the National Conference. Confirmation has not been received.
    4. It was proposed to have Kristen go as leadership, Bryan Roper as Rally Cross representative, a person is needed for Auto Cross representation, and a 4th person can go under the ascender’s program.
    5. A motion was made to set aside funds to send 2 people to the convention with the ability to raise it to 4 people in the future. A motion was made, seconded, and carried.
  2. Doug Austin was contacted by the Radisson to see if we would consider a different room on the same night (1/12/19) for our banquet. If we moved our event they would give us an additional discount and free appetizers for our event. We have the option to say no with no penalties. Discussion was had pertaining to the logistics of the event. The venue provided floor plans on the proposed location. Doug will attempt view the other area after the Race Cars and Coffee event.

Good and welfare:

  1. Solo Nationals is coming up the week of 9/3. We have seven people competing from our region. Shout out to Justin Peachey, Eric Peachey, Dennis Latshaw, Derek Latshaw, Rob Springer, Kristen Poole, and Melissa Mauro (spectating) will all be going this year.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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