Meeting Minutes: February 2018

February 22, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. January minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 571 members as of today. January was 70% spike in membership. We are seeing a large increase from dealerships in the area publicizing a national partnership program that offers a coupon for the purchase of a new vehicle to SCCA members. Kristen provided membership packages and business cards that contained a $10 off your first event coupon code to one dealer. We may see sizeable downturn the beginning of next year.
  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: 
    • AX – RX & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed. A cost comparison on the same expenditures from last year and this year was discussed. Venue for first AX event has been paid for.
    • Payments to Treasurer: When checks are submitted to Alan, he needs a least a note with who the money is from and what it is for.
    • Expense Reimbursement: When receipts are provided to Alan, an Expense Report must be included with the receipts to receive reimbursement. Kristen Poole to provide all board members and chairs with the club expense tracking document.
  • Assistant RE report by Doug Austin: Two Novice Taxi magnets have been received for use by both AX and RX. Any novice or spectator that looks interested in the sport can be directed to the Novice Taxi and taken for a ride along. If the program is well received, we can always order more magnets.
  • AX report by Chris Benfer:
    • Trophies: Event trophies are in the works and should be finalized in the next couple of days. If anyone has any thoughts for next season trophies we need to start the discussion for those soon. A motion was made to allocate $1,200 for 2018 event trophies. The motion was seconded and carried.
    • AX Supplementals: Chris is planning on having the supplementals modified Saturday morning and will provide to Kristen before the Annual Tech Saturday.
  • RX report by Bryan Roper:
    • Venues: Some viable venues have been located and the process of contacting the owners is underway. RX venue packets will be made up by Kristen, with edits from John Roscinski.
    • Timing: Timing issues were discussed along with RFID Tagging for triggering timing. Kristen interjected with status of the grant request sent to national for new RX timing equipment. The grant process is going to reopen 3/1 if all funds have not been allocated. No word has been received yet if we were approved.
    • Venue Maintenance: Planning committee discussion on colored wristbands, flags, and I-Beam. Funding was approved for wristbands and flag.
    • 2018 RX Supplementals were reviewed and approved
  • RX secondary report by Adam Moore: RX event trophies. RX is looking to do magnets for end of event trophies. Adam reviewed the design of the proposed trophies. They would need 50 trophies for the entire season. Adam will be bringing the finalized design and cost to the next meeting. A motion was made to allocate $500 to the purchase of rallycross event updates. Motion seconded and carried.
  • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: No report this month.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. The newsletter has a 40% open rate and 41% click rate on links. The Squeal call for content is sent out in the beginning of the month. It gives content providers approximately 2 weeks to get all info to Melissa to publish the Squeal on time. Content is not getting to the editor in a timely fashion. All articles need to be submitted by the end of the second week each month. Moving forward, program chairs are responsible for providing content about their individual programs.

Old Business:

  1. Truck Committee: Both the old truck and the new truck are going to be at the annual tech day to have everything moved over and set up. Shelving and lighting is to be installed at that time.
  2. RX Radios: Markus Houser provided requested pricing. Radios will run approximately $65.00 each. No motion is needed to purchase radios as equipment funding is already allocated.
  3. Safety Steward Class: Solo Safety Steward Safety Training Class (SSSTC) is being offered to be proctored by Doug Austin. He is looking at between 20-40 people. Kristen has a meeting with the business behind her house to secure this location as a venue for the SSSTC. This venue would likely be at no cost to the club. A motion was made to allocate club funds for venue, food, drink etc for the class and not to charge SCCA Members in attendance. The motion was made, seconded, and carried.

New Business:

  1. 2018 Year End Banquet Planning:
    1. The 2017 end of year banquet in January was at the Sheraton this year. As of now they are booked for all of January 2019. There is another comparable venue (the Radisson Penn Harris Hotel & Convention Center off Route 11/15) that is a less than the Sheraton and is available in January 2019. The offer from the Radisson would match what we had at the Sheraton (bank of rooms being made available to us, food, etc) but comes in at a lower cost. A motion was made to move the EoY Banquet to the Radisson was made, seconded, and carried.
    2. According to the limited feedback received from the 2017 banquet people are looking for more along the way of drinks and food.
    3. We are currently the lowest cost banquet in the area. We charge $10.00 a member for tickets, while the club covers the substantial per member difference. The amount of the tickets may need to be increased to cover cost. The possibility of increasing ticket cost to offset club cost will be revisited at the March membership meeting.
  2. Tentative Farm Show Dates Confirmed: The 2 dates marked tentative from the Farm Show have been confirmed. Please note this is the first time we will be running AX and RX the same weekend. This will take some extra planning. RX on May 12, AX on May 13.
  3. Annual Tech: Annual tech registration is closing soon. There will be other businesses using the same lot when we are doing annual tech. We will also be doing work on the new truck and transitioning items from the old truck to the new truck. If you are coming to annual tech please dress weather accordingly and plan on staying around to help with the new truck.
  4. Tshirts: Bryan Roper and Kristen have been working on new T-shirt design for 2018. With the sponsorship packages that have been purchased the T-Shirts will have sponsor advertising on them. Since the shirts are going to be printed front and back the price has increased by just over $2.00. With the new sponsorships the price of the shirts should not need to be increased this year. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to order a 125 shirts to have them available for Hershey.
  5. Event Postcards: Kristen provided pricing on the 5×7 postcards with the event dates etc on them. A motion to allocate $150 was made, seconded, and approved to order the cards.

Good, Welfare, Announcements, Administration, Notes of Interest, and Miscellaneous:

  1. Ed Womer announced that a few SCCA Road Racers are running at Autobahn. If you are interested, please come out and watch or run with them.
  2. Venues and venue possibilities were briefly discussed.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:52 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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