Meeting Minutes: March 2018

March 22, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:32 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

Monthly Reports:

  • Membership report by Kristen Poole: We are at 641 members as of today. 16 members expired and have been contacted. New members will be contacted within the next few days.
  • RE report by Kristen Poole: Chris Brown has joined the committee taking the role of Jr Solo Chair. He will be helping Chris Benfer with a bunch of the admin duties associated with Solo Chair.
  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX – RX & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed. Since Hershey canceled events 1 & 2, a full refund should be received.
  • AX report by Chris Brown:
    • Trophies: no additional information is available at this time pertaining to 2018 trophies.
    • AX Supplementals: Approved as written and will be posted.
    • Hershey event: Hershey canceled the event due to venue schedules and the maintenance crew needing time to cleanup all lots from the week’s snow storm
  • RX report by John Roscinski:
    • Venue Maintenance: This is a high priority at this time. A motion was made to approve the funds for a tractor rental to grade the lot. Motion was seconded and carried. Funds were already approved for a drag beam. The venue approved the equipment being kept on site. Funding was previously approved for this equipment, it has been acquired and is ready.
    • Trophies: For 50 of them it will run $56.00. These will be used for event trophies. A motion was made, seconded and carried to buy the trophies.
    • DIY/KIT Car Class: National has made a class for the homemade RX cars called “Constructor Class” with the delineation of C2 & C4.
    • Registrars Training: Training is needed for RX Registrars to use iPads for registration. Melissa Mauro and Kristen Poole offered to come to the next school/event in April to perform the necessary training.
    • Radios: The new radios have been received and tested. The old radios were tested. The ones that are no longer in working order will be junked. The neoprene sleeves that are to be on the radios are being removed by the corner chiefs. This will be addressed in the drivers meeting.
  • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: AX Facebook group is approaching 1000 members; RX page is close to 400. The group is getting to the point where additional moderation is required. Moderation will include muting site members who continue to violate the rules of the group. In the future, we may change the group from open to closed.
  • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: The Squeal newsletter continues to be positively received. The newsletter has a 40% open rate and 41% click rate on links. Squeal content was received in a timelier manner for March, and is greatly appreciated.

Old Business:

  1. Truck Committee: The windows have been installed. The new AX cones have been put into the truck and the RX cones have been removed. All equipment is now in the truck. Hooks still need to be installed to hang the brooms. A net has been ordered to keep all items secure in the upper area. If the net is not secure enough a bar will be installed to keep the containers in place. The committee is looking into the prices for new more secure bungie straps. The lighting received by Brian Holmes are able to be utilized but still need to be installed. There is a quote out to a local weld shop to have a hand cart modified into a cone cart. Kristen Poole is looking to get sand bags to help hold down the EZ-Ups. Pricing from EZ-Up is approximately $45.00 per bag unfilled (note this does not include the SCCA discount). We need about 10 bags for the 2 tents. It was suggested to use 5-gallon buckets filled with sand. A motion was made to allocate $200.00 towards the purchase of weights. The motion was seconded and carried. Melissa Mauro will be looking into other weighted options and obtaining appropriate pricing. A thank you was extended to everyone that came to annual tech and got the truck up to par. Graphics will be addressed after the truck is completed. We have until 7-15-2020 to change the current microphone system due to changes in FCC Regulations. Kristen is going to reach out to the person who is interested in purchasing the old truck.
  2. T-Shirt & Post Card purchases: The T-Shirts and post cards have arrived. Post cards will be available at the registration tables.
  3. Venues, Contracts & Sanctions: All Farm Show contracts will be returned to them within the week. All Sanctions for the year have been taken care of. The sanction information for the events will be provided to appropriate chairs and it will be their responsibility to ensure proper posting at each event.
  4. Annual Tech Day: The event went off without a hitch. We had one road racing car participate, and no hill climb participants, although both of the Hill Climb Tech personnel did show up. A thank you was extended to Alan for the use of his shop. Bryan Roper and Markus Houser installed the shelves in the new truck which led to the set up of the new truck. It was suggested to make annual tech day include truck set up and care day as well.
  5. Safety Steward Class: The class went very well. 15 people attended. Feedback from participants was positive. A projector screen was purchased to run the class. The screen is being housed at Doug Austin’s house. We ran significantly under proposed budget. $300 was approved, $160 was spent. The venue utilized, Madard’s House, was allocated for our use at no cost. The site is an after school program/club house that is completely volunteer run. It was recommended that we donate 100.00 to Madard’s house. Motion was made, seconded, and carried. Alan/Kristen to handle the donation.
  6. 2018 Year End Banquet Planning: The 2018 EoY Banquet will be held at the Radisson in January 2019. We are approximating cost to the club at $50.00 per person NOT including the cost of trophies (approximately $50.00 per trophy). General attendance is 100-120 people. Proposed cost increase is from $10.00 per SCCA member to $20.00. One guest can be taken at $20.00. Non-member and any guests over 1 is at full cost, $50.00 per person. The region will continue to provide beer and a cash bar. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried for the price changes listed above.

New Business:

  1. Road Rally: An email was received from National. They received a request from someone in Fulton County. They are looking to have a Road Rally in Fulton County spotlighting some of their historic barns. Kristen is working with National to have our club host the Road Rally. If you have an interest in attending or helping with a Road Rally please reach out to Kristen Poole.
  2. AX Venue Committee: An AX Venue Committee has been established. The Committee Chair is Chris Brown. Rob Springer is the official Scouter. Dennis Latshaw has stepped up to assist with venue contact. Kevin MacDonald has also volunteered to be on the committee and fill in where needed. Tracy Holmes will continue with admin duties.
  3. Cars and Coffee: Doug is proposing adding Cars and Coffee events. This would be an outreach to the general public and to car interested individuals. Doug is looking to find someone to step up and take this action item on. City Island is historically open to the idea of these types of events as long as Capital Police are in the loop with what is going on. The idea will be featured in the next Squeal. This item is tabled until we find someone willing to take the lead.

Motion to Dismiss @ 20:52 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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