Meeting Minutes: May 2018

May 24, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:31 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: We are at 695 members as of today, but we expect to see these numbers drop slightly in the next few months

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report by Chris Benfer & Chris Brown:
      • Event recap — The first event went well considering the weather. We did not have a lot of cancellations and no-shows. Our next event is next weekend. Discussion was had pertaining to the reduction in the number of pole chiefs. The reduction was done to reduce the amount of required course workers to try to increase the number of heats. We also need to ensure the PA system is operational at all events moving forward.
      • AX School —We are looking to put on an AX School when there are no national events going on to ensure we have the necessary instructors. The committee is looking at late June/early July.
    • RX report by John Roscinski:
      • 2018 Changes & Event Recap — There have been a lot of changes on how things flow, run and are set up for events. RX had 8 runs per competitor at the last event with these changes. There were a lot more people than have traditionally come to set up the course and get the event ready. Tech in one place (bring your car to tech) greatly improved the time to tech.
      • Timing Equipment — An RFID system is being researched for use as timing for RX. Quotes are coming in around $6500 for the system. RX received a grant from National SCCA for new timing equipment in the amount of $2500. Quotes and options should be available at the next meeting from Bryan Roper.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web report by Doug Austin: The Facebook group continues to grow. This normally happens prior to an event. Facebook is being updated with the upcoming events. Doug has been talking up the page at other auto related events which is resulting in increased participation.
    • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: Open and click rates are good.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Venue Committee Update: There is an upcoming meeting with a venue possibility. More information will be coming. There are also a few more possibilities that have come to light that are being researched and contacted. (Chair, Chris Brown)
    • Street Survival: Melissa is still looking into securing a venue for Street Survival; looking to 2019 for program launch. (Chair, Melissa Mauro)
    • Woman’s Development: Melissa is also working to get a women’s-only driving school scheduled to increase our female driving numbers. She is looking to staff the driving school with female instructors. National started the SCCA Women on Track group last year which sparked the initiative locally. (Lead, Melissa Mauro)
    • North Eastern Division Mini Conference by Kristen Poole: Susquehanna region has agreed to host the 2019 NEDi MiniCon. A contract has been signed with the Radisson for this event in February 2019. (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro)
    • Truck Committee:
      • There are a ton of trophies in the truck to the point that there is no room to move around in the truck any longer. It was suggested to get a small (5×5) storage unit for the items that do not need to be in the truck all the time. Idea tabled for further discussion on pricing at June event (Markus Houser).
      • The lights still need to be installed. The exterior signage still needs installed. The truck is inspected but the front ball joints need to be replaced asap. Markus to handle before next meeting.
      • Cone carts are being tabled until the excess of items in the truck is addressed. Bill Bickle’s daughter may be interested in the truck. Update to be provided by Markus in June with goal to sell the truck by the end of July. Signage will need to be removed if it is to be sold on Craiglist or similar.
      • BMR is interested in the old TAG timing equipment, Bryan Roper is running with this and will provide an update in June
    • Road Rally: Lisa Leathery has agreed step up and get the ball rolling on this event in Fulton County. The event would be taking place on the McConnellsburg Barn Quilt Trail late Sept Early Oct. Eric and Dennis from another region have agreed to jump in and help us get this set up. They are putting on a RR School June 19 in Gettysburg. A motion was made for Lisa to continue with this venture, motion was seconded and carried.

Old Business:

  1. Cars and Coffee: Lisa Leathery has taken the lead on hosting a Cars and Coffee event. She is working on securing a venue and is working with Doug to get this event up and going. It does appear at this point that we will be able to start Cars and Coffee in the 2018 calendar year. Lisa has updated with information on venue possibilities.

New Business:

  1. IRS Determination/501(c)4: Melissa and Kristen worked with the IRS to get our paperwork in order to get non-for-profit group status in order. There is a $600 application fee. A motion was made to allocate the funds for the application fee, motion was seconded and approved.

Motion to Dismiss @ 21:01 seconded and accepted.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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