Meeting Minutes: September 2018

Sept 27, 2018

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:00 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: We are at 685 members as of today.
  • Announcements: Melissa Mauro and Chris Brown will Co-Chair the AX program starting with the October 27th event. Ben Brandt will be the Registration Chief for AX starting in 2019.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report by Alan Lesher: AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report by Chris Brown:
      • Event Review: Sept. 9 Farm Show points event went well. Weather caused a lot of cancellations. Everyone had fun. A thank you to Rob for the course design.
      • Event Overview York 10/27: Reminder this event is coming up. The venue is coming together as far as set up. The event will be capped at 80 participants. Cost will be $80 per participant. It will be 1 event instead of 2 and each participant will receive 8 runs. Reminder this is a non-points event. There are currently 35 participants signed up.
        • AX Venue Committee Update (Chair, Chris Brown): There are upcoming meetings and continual contact with possible venue locations. More information will be coming.
    • RX report by John Roscinski:
      • Timing Equipment (Bryan Roper): Race America Timing Equipment worked wonderfully. Only issue was unclear instructions for hardware setup.
      • Event recap: Bonus event had lower than expected participation. Everyone got 9 runs with fun runs afterwards. The new timing system worked flawlessly.
      • TAG System Sale: BMR and AH have shown some interested in our old lights and timers. To date we have been unable to secure their sale. Due to unforeseen issues, BMR wants to table the discussion until around March 2019.
    • Street Survival by Melissa Mauro:
      • Scheduled for November 3rd at the Lancaster County Training Center.
      • Currently there are 9-10 volunteers that have signed up to coach. We need more coaches to run the school successfully.
      • A gentleman from another region is helping Melissa set up a press release. He is also arranging for the news media to be at the event.
      • 17 out of 30 student slots are already filled.
    • Road Rally by Lisa Leathery (Kristen Poole, in her absence):
      • The 10/6 Barn Quilt Trail event is coming up quickly. All insurance and certificates have been issued.
      • Course: Safety has reviewed the route and suggested changes. Once the changes are completed the course will be finalized.
      • Administration and workers:  we are in need 2 of more workers between 10am and 3pm.
      • Sign-ups: We only have 14-16 people signed up at this point. That is 8 cars. If you are not signed up and want to please do so. Please also take a moment to spread the word and promote this event.
    • Cars and Coffee by Lisa Leathery (Kristen Poole, in her absence):
      • This year’s event was a success.
      • Due to prior commitments, Lisa will not be able to coordinate future events.
      • We are looking for someone to run with this to host some more events.
      • If no one volunteers to oversee this program, we will not put any more on. No more events will happen until spring or later. This item is being tabled until March.
  • Club Communication
    • Web report by Jake Limm: Everything is going great. The contact form is up, running, and working well. HB’s history page has been updated. Things are flowing nicely.
    • Facebook Report by Doug Austin: Changing the structure of the page is working well. The events are getting out there to new people. We are sitting at around 1100 members.
    • Squeal Report by Melissa Mauro: Open rate 25% and click rate 43%.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • North Eastern Division Mini Conference (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): No significant update.
    • Truck Committee:
      • The old truck has not been sold. The interested party has backed out. A motion was made to scrap the truck, motion was seconded and carried. Bryan Roper is to handle scrapping the old truck.
      • Ball joints are in, breaks will be checked and repaired/replaced tomorrow, the oil will be changed, and the truck will be given a complete once over, thanks to Mark Hetrick.
      • Lights will be put in after the truck is done in the shop hopefully before the October 27th event.
      • Since we do not have a lot of events in Hershey any longer and the key people who need access into the truck are not located close to Hershey Kristen will be checking with the business located behind her home on the availability of storing the truck on their property where they store vehicles.
      • The vinyl is done but the vinyl over the windows is not window stickers so we are unable to see through them at all. After the end of the season we need to get the truck back to him to correct this issue.

Old Business:

  1. Doug was contacted by the Radisson to see if we would consider a different room on the same night (1/12/19) for our banquet. If we moved our event they would give us an additional discount and free appetizers for our event. The venue provided floor plans on the proposed location. Doug viewed the venue during Cars and Coffee, but the suite will not work for our needs. We have declined to change rooms with the venue.

New Business:

  1. Event Credits: We have a 1-year policy in MSR to use or lose credits given in the system. Since the spring Hershey event was cancelled, we have quite a few members with credits sitting in the system. Kristen posed the question to if we should extend the time frame for credits considering the number of people that would come from out of the region and state to that event. Kristen made a motion to extend the time frame until some point after the 2019 schedule is made. The motion was seconded and carried.
  2. EoY Special Board Meeting: A special board meeting to discuss all items associated with awards and the awards banquet has been scheduled for Thursday 10-18-18. Since we have had a dedicated photographer this year we are looking to go back to the popular photo trophies.
  3. Board Nominations: We took online and in person nominations to the board last year. Kristen would like to do the same this year. No objections were raised, so, we will stay with the same format as last year. A nominations survey will be set up in MSR by Kristen. Nominations will be need to be done by the October meeting so voting can take place at the November meeting, per our bylaws.

Good and welfare:

  1. Solo Nationals: A big congratulations to everyone that went. Shout out to Justin Peachey who placed 5th in a car he never ran. The car’s owner placed 14th. We had 7 people from Susq attend this year: Justin Peachey, Eric Peachey, Dennis Latshaw, Derek Latshaw, Rob Springer, Melissa Mauro (spectating), and Kristen Poole.
  2. Mike Angus from PHA is putting together a documentary called Chasing Giants about PA Hill Climbs. He has been recording for the past 2-3 years. It is now up on IMGD. It is an ongoing piece. If you can, take some time to check it out and send your feedback to Mike.
  3. Austin Baker is a new member as of this year. As a thank you from him for everyone being so nice and welcoming he made #teamsusquatch stickers for everyone at the meeting.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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