Meeting Minutes: February 2019

Feb 28, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. January meetinng minutes approved as posted.

RE Report — Kristen Poole

  • Membership Report: Currently we have 625 members; we do expect to see a continued decline as the VW promotional members from 2018 fall off of the membership list
  • Announcements:
    • 2019 Charter Renewal Update Kristen has received the 2019 SCCA Carter Renewal documentation from National
    • Membership Chair: Tracy Holmes has resigned the Membership Chair position, TJ Brillhart has taken over the position

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasurer’s report (Alan Lesher): AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed
  • Program Reports
    • AX report (Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro):
      • Annual tech for AX this year will be 3/23 with a rain date 3/30. Anyone who received a trophy last year will be eligible for the annual tech. A truck cleanout will directly follow the annual tech and pizza will be provided for those who assist.
      • We are working to schedule a date for an autocross school at Carlisle Fairgrounds. Once more information becomes available, it will be provided.
      • Supplemental Regulations are being updated. Ladies’ class is being removed from regional events and a Novice class is being added in its place. Proposed PAX changes are placing Prepared and Mod in one PAX class and putting all Street Prepared classes into one PAX class. Chairs are exploring these options with members in these classes and will provide an update as available.
      • Event trophies have been decided for 2019. They will be 16oz colored metal cups. RX will use the same trophies if different title sponsors for the programs are not secured.
    • RX report (Nick Landis):
      • RallyCross has six events and one school/test-n-tune event on the books. The first event will be in April at Spooky Nook. Three events at the Farm Show lot will be $50 each; the contracts for these events are still pending. Three events at Spooky Nook will be $60 each due to the higher cost of that lot. Note the Spooky Nook lot is quite a bit bigger than the Farm Show lot.
      • RX team is asking for two spade shovels for site maintenance.
      • A discussion was had surrounding the need for new radios for the rallycross program. John found new radios on Amazon for $54.99 each and meet the requirement without violating the FCC rules. It was asked if the autocross radios (which are dust and water resistant) would work. They will be tested at the lot and, if they work, the autocross radios will be used for the April rallycross event. In case they do not work, a motion was made to allocate $250 to the purchase of shovels and radios. The motion was seconded and carried.
      • RX is need of additional cones due to the larger lot, the AX program has a lot of hand me down cones for RX and an extra box of cones was ordered when this years’ cones were ordered for AX, RX will receive that box as well. More will be ordered if we find they still do not have enough.
      • Season Subscription – There is an interest in members being able to pay for the whole season at the beginning of the season instead of paying for each individual event. The proposed process pertaining to cancellations is no refunds or credits. This is done in multiple other regions with no complaints by participants on the lack of refunds. This does not include event cancellations caused by the club. The RX committee has the right to create this event and process in MSR without a motion to the board. The co-chairs will work with Melissa on setting this up in MSR.
      • Contingency program – There has been an interest by members on participating in a contingency program. The RE/board has no issues with RX creating a contingency program within RX assuming they can secure the necessary sponsors. More information will follow.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web report (Jake Limm):
      • There was a large uptick in traffic. Some of this is due to malicious bots and some was legitimate traffic. Length of visits has been increasing as well.
      • Our images on the site are hosted via Flicker. Due to Flickers purchase by Yahoo in order to keep the images we have and maintain an acceptable storage size for images, Jake has proposed paying the $50.04 for the pro level of annual platform use. Not upgrading means we will lose a lot of our images associated with our site. A motion was made to upgrade from the free level to the pro level of Flicker. A second was made and carried.
    • Facebook Report(Kristen Poole): Things are going well. No noticeable increase/decrease in members. We are looking for someone to take over ownership of the Facebook Page. If you are interested, please reach out to Kristen.
    • Squeal Report (Melissa Mauro): Open rate and click rate remain steady. Jake Limm will be taking over as editor of the Squeal starting in March.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Street Survival (Chair, Melissa Mauro): The originally scheduled date of June 1, 2019 at the Lancaster County Training Center has become an issue and needs to be rescheduled. Sunday, July 14th and Sunday July 20th were proposed but not confirmed. An update will be provided at the March meeting.
    • 2018 North Eastern Division Mini-Convention: (Co-chairs, Kristen Poole & Melissa Mauro): The convention was a success. Susquehanna will not be hosting the 2020 NEDiv convention due to time commitments of the committee members. Post-event survey results have all been positive, as has feedback from the national employees in attendance.
    • Truck Committee (Markus Houser):
      • Graphics still need to be installed on the truck. Markus will schedule the installation. No update at the time of the meeting.
      • The old truck is currently with the new owners. Kristen attempted to transfer the title but ran into issues with documentation required to do so. Another update will be provided at the March meeting.
    • Road Rally (Chair, Lisa Leathery): The date of Saturday Oct 26th in McConnellsburg has been set for the 2019 Fulton County Barn Quilt Road Rally. Lisa is working with the same people from last year on a new route.

Old Business:

  1. Bylaws (Kristen Poole): Bylaw draft for 2019 was provided to members in the last Squeal. Motion to pass as written was made, seconded, and carried.
  2. 2019 Track night in America Grant: We have applied for the 2019 TNiA grant again. Last year we applied and was awarded $2500 towards the purchase of new RX Timing Equipment. A grant request was submitted for growing membership and participation.

New Business:

  1. Club T-Shirts: Because we have $500 level sponsors, they will get their logo on the current year’s shirts. The design for 2019 has not been completed at this time. Kristen will be working on the design and will have more information at the March meeting.

Good and welfare:

  1. No items were discussed.

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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