Meeting Minutes: May 2019

May 23, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 7:32pm by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

  • RE Report — Kristen Poole
    • Truck Vandalism update: State Farm has closed out the claim with SCCA. Kristen has spoken with the property owner behind her and they have agreed to allow us to store the truck there at no charge. Alan will handle requesting a refund for the remaining paid months from the Hershey storage facility.
  • Treasurer’s Report (Lesher)
    • AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
    • Audit update: The audit is complete, with no issues. Kristen has the full report from Larry.
  • Membership Committee report (Poole): 
    • Last month we had 553 members, this month we are at 504 members. This is 1 higher than our lowest month last year.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web and Squeal report (Limm): There was an uptick in traffic and new users. Visitors are spending more time on the site as well.
    • Facebook Report (Mauro): Things are going well; nothing of note to report.
  • Program Reports
    • AX (Mauro/Brown)
      • Supplemental rules: 2019 supplements are finished. They have been submitted to Kristen for final review. Once the review is complete, they will be posted.
      • Novice school: The school is still postponed with no firm date to announce at this time. Once the date is available
      • Woman’s driving school: Melissa reached out to the same venue where we host our Street Survival. The lot available at that venue during the proposed dates is too small to run a driving school. Melissa will be working with the venue to find another date where the bigger lot is available.
      • AX Venues: We have some other sites in the work for the 2020 season.
      • AX & RX Appreciation: The Chairs wanted to extend a big thank their chiefs. They have gotten Polo shirts for the chiefs to wear at the events.
    • RX (Roscinski/Landis):
      • May 11 event update: we had 30 participants at the last event. Participants got 10 runs each. There were no real issues. Radios and timing worked well. The PA system did not work as well, but will be tested again at the next event.
      • We have a member that is performing regular maintenance on the Spooky Nook venue with his own bobcat.
    • Street Survival (Mauro):
      • Things are progressing well for the 7/20/19 event.
      • 19 participants are currently signed up.
      • We are 2/3 way full on participants but are lacking coaches. If you are interested in coaching at the event, please reach out to Melissa.
    • Road Rally (Leathery):
      • The date of Saturday Oct 26th in McConnellsburg has been set for the 2019 Road Rally.
      • Lisa is working with the same people from last year on a new route. There will be a new start stop point and a different route from last year.
      • A Road Rally Safety Steward has been secured.
      • Please pass the word around to any other car clubs you may be affiliated with.
      • Additional information and pricing will follow.

Old Business: 

  1. Club t-shirt & event trophies: Kristen has the new T-shirts available for sale. They are $10 cash if you are interested. 100 shirts have been ordered and received. We can order more if needed. The trophies have been received and they look great. They are the same for both RX and AX. A picture of the trophy is available in the Squeal.
  2. Update on Opaque Truck Graphics: It is $100 to completely replace the opaque graphics with ones that can be seen through. A motion was made, seconded and carried to move forward with the replacement. The truck is due for inspection. Kristen will work on getting the truck to the shop. Markus will get the graphics done after the truck is inspected.
  3. Update on sale of old timing equipment: Timing equipment has been donated to BMR.
  4. Cars & Coffee: No new movement since March. Austin Baker was reaching out to Lisa Leathery and TJ Brillhart on progress. Lisa and Melissa have worked with Austin to host an event at the Selinsgrove mall. That site is up for foreclosure and possible litigation, so the event is up in the air. More information will follow in June.
  5. MSR Texting: MSR has the capability to send text messages to communicate with competitors at events. Melissa Mauro found that Chris Haydu bought the text messaging package to use at the shared Pocono event. Melissa will work with Chris at that event to see how beneficial the service is and supply information to the board after the event. This item is being removed from the agenda until it is found that the service is needed.

 New Business:

  • Monthly meeting venue: ABC is willing to allow us to use the room we have been for free for our monthly meetings. The going rate for the room is $50 an hour. If another party wants to book the room for when we have our monthly meetings ABC would contact SCCA with first right of refusal. If we wish to retain use of the facility for that particular day, we would need to pay the $100 rental fee to close the booking. A motion was made, seconded and carried to continue to use ABC for monthly meeting and pay the $100 if/when it is necessary.
  • Facebook events: Kristen Poole is no longer on Facebook. She did set up some of the events on the main club page before closing her account. She tasked the chairs with verifying all events for their respective programs are on the main Facebook page and shared with the programs individual page. Melissa will work with Lisa to add the Road Rally to the Facebook groups.
  • Minor waiver: National has confirmed that the parental signature is what is truly needed. Child signatures are not required on the minor waiver.

 Good and welfare:

  1. No items were discussed.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:08pm

Respectfully submitted — Brian Holmes, Secretary

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