Meeting Minutes: July 2019

July 25, 2019

Meeting was brought to order @ 19:30 by Kristen Poole. Prior minutes approved as posted.

RE Report —

  • The current vacant position of secretary has been filled.  The current voting board members met before the meeting began and voted Jared McGahen to the role of secretary.
    Current RE Kristen Poole announced her intentions not to run for reelection for 2020.  Regional executive emeritus was passed to help ease transition out.

Monthly Reports:

  • Treasures report (Alan Lesher): AX, RX, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership Committee report (Kristen Poole): As of 7-25-19, club is at 398 members.  Drop of 27 members since June.  Drops Susquehanna back to medium sized region.  Nearly 300% drop from a year ago at this time.
  • Club Communication
    • Social Media & Web and Squeal report (Jake Limm):  Uptick in Squeal click openings.  Website traffic down about 10%.  Methods to attract more web traffic is being explored.
    • Facebook Report (Melissa Mauro): Everything going well.  Still holding a steady member count.
  • Program Reports
    • AX report (Chris Brown and Melissa Mauro):
      • Logistics for Spooky Nook 8/4 event:  First autocross set for August 3rd.  The lot designated for parking trailers is gravel and not in good condition.  Chris and Melissa will talk to the venue to revisit that issue.  Main road has access to lot.  On site security will be on hand to help block off.  Autocross spectators will have to be provided with pre-paid parking passes if paid parking events are also happening on the premises.  Kristen will be temporarily filling in for safety chief for the first event as the position is vacant.  Outside food issue was brought up on whether it is allowed or not, member chairs are to meet to determine if outside food is allowed or is not allowed.  Possible double header events at future spooky nook events was discussed at the August 24 and September 29 events.  Will be reevaluated after the first event takes place.
      • AX Venues: Two potential venues are in the works for the 2020 season.
    • RX report (John Roscinski and Nick Landis):
      • Event update:  Last few events have been hectic.  Attributed to radio and general communication breakdowns.  Improvements in the radios were made to eliminate background chatter.  Complaints from neighbors at the last event was discussed.  A water truck was discussed to reduce dust.  A heads up will be given to neighbors at future events.  Timing improvement updates was discussed and tabled till 2020.
  • Special Committee Reports
    • Street Survival 7/20/19 (Chair, Melissa Mauro): The event was a success.  Survey results were positive.  A second TRSS was discussed in the fall of 2020.  Melissa to research dates and logistics.
    • Road Rally (Chair, Lisa Leathery): Road Rally is set up for October 26, 2019.

Old Business: 

  1. Update on Opaque Truck Graphics: Decision to peel off current graphics and replace them in 2020 was discussed and agreed upon.
  2. Truck: is parked a neighbor of Kristen’s.  A key was made to ease moving the truck if a member in unavailable to provide one.
  3. Radios: No new information to report on the radios.  Issue tabled until 2020.
  4. Cars & Coffee: Discussion of the time of the event was held.  Motion to spend $100 on supplies for event.  Seconded and carried.

New Business:

  1. No items was discussed.

Good and welfare:

  1. No items were discussed.

Meeting adjourned @ 20:24

Respectfully submitted — Jared McGahen

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