Meeting Minutes: November 2020

Meeting Minutes: October 2020

Meeting Minutes: September 2020

Meeting Minutes: August 2020
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-July minutes passed as posted.

Meeting Minutes: July 2020
RE Report. Melissa Mauro – June minutes passed as posted with a few punctuation changes. Two rallycross items to be addressed. A non-member was seen on Facebook using the Rallycross course at

Meeting Minutes: June 2020
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-April previous minutes passed as posted. No May meeting was held. By-laws were discussed to correct syntax errors. Revisions were voted on and passed.

Meeting Minutes: April 2020
Meeting called to order at 19:37, April 23, 2020.

Meeting Minutes: February 2020
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted.

Meeting Minutes: January 2020
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-previous minutes passed as posted. Charter renewal information must be sent to nationals with updated by-laws.
Sponsorship Report. The Zebra and Big Rents have expressed interest to be sponsors,