Eboard Minutes: Dec. 2013

E-Board Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2013

A special December Executive Board meeting was convened at 7:01 at Gilligan’s on December 10, 2013.

Region awards for the 2013 year were reviewed and decided upon.

Chris Paveglio announced that a combined Executive Board and a combined Autocross and Rallycross Committee meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on February 11 at the Demmy’s home.

Markus Houser was authorized to purchase a new monitor for the timing system at a price not to exceed $200.

Henry Brillinger will order 160 cones in February from SCCA to be delivered to Alan Lesher’s Auto Seat Cover Company. The Region will take 100 of them and the Corvette Club will pay for and take 60 of them.

John Rudy observed that 50% to 60% of our autocross entrants each year only run one event. A discussion about ways to improve that record was held but no conclusion was reached.

Geoff Craig suggested that we might encourage more Farm Show event participants to run both of the events that we typically run there in a day if we provided a discount to those entering the second event. It was decided that further analysis is needed.

Alan Lesher suggested that we consider an autocross test and tune and/or a driver’s school for 2014.

Geoff Craig observed that when we consider the number of events that we will run next year, we must also consider the load that we are placing on our member workers. Some of them spend more time working on each event than is required of other entrants. Also some other of our members spend the same or even a greater amount of time working than entrants do even though they aren’t entrants.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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