Meeting Minutes: Apr. 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 24, 2012

The April General Membership Meeting convened April 24, 2012 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 7:58 p.m.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report, and said the Autocross season is in full swing, with expenses and income from the series. The final total is not yet known, but he will report at the next meeting.

The Polo Shirts that had been ordered were delivered and paid for, and Charlie Demmy is selling them.

Dennis Cipriany introduced three guests, who’d participated at the Solo Safety Steward seminar before the meeting: Ken Giambattista, Blue Mountain Region; and Don Tocket and Curt Lau from our region. Dennis said he had five participants in the training session.

Henry Brillinger said the Retion has 273 members, up four from last month.

Chris Paveglio said results from the first two autocrosses are posted on the web site. He said the Farm Show is posting the autocrosses we’ve scheduled on their web site as well.

Charlie Demmy mentioned he was working on the history of Hershey Hillclimb. He’d attended a presentation at the Derry Township [Hershey] Historical Society on the hillclimb. PHA [Pennsylvania Hillclimb Association] is supporting the efforts at Hershey.

Markus Houser told about the Carlisle Events Import Show May 18th, 19th, & 20th, where we will provide autocross timing and workers. The next series autocross is June 17th, at the Farm Show, with Autocross #3 in the morning and Autocross #4 in the afternoon.

Steve Limbert mentioned the prior weekend MARRS 1 at Summit Point. Alan Lesher and Dave Walter were participants, and told of their experiences at the event. Alan mentioned he got a bit “agricultural”, off into the dirt. There were 199 participants on a rainy weekend.

Old Business: Chris Paveglio visited the Penn Twp. Manager in Manheim to discuss using the Manheim Auto Auction Lot. Chris mentioned use must be related to the business or for the benefit of the township. He said Manheim Auto Auction can go to the township to have the agreement changed, or amended.

New Business: Chris Paveglio said he is involved with the B.R.A.K.E.S. [Be Responsible And Keep Everyone Safe] activities at Manheim Auto Auction this weekend.

Markus Houser mentioned there would be a BMW Car Club of America Street Survival School behind Sun Motors BMW on May 5th.

John Rudy discussed the region newsletter, The Squeal. He asked for input from region members on activities of the Region.

Good and Welfare: Charlie Demmy discussed the Castaway Critters Exotic Car Show at AACA, which is to benefit homeless animals. As it happened, they were meeting next to us, and gave us handouts.

Charlie also mentioned that they would be cutting a pedestrian path though the woods at the Hershey Hillclimb site and had gotten up to Turn 1, and this weekend were getting to Turn 2.

Steve Limbert is doing the Annual Tech for Road Racers, so contact Steve at Aircooled Racing, 717-432-4116, for an appointment.

Motion to adjourn made by Dave Walter, 2nd by Alan Lesher. Adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, secretary

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