Meeting Minutes: April 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

April 28, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30

Steve wanted to point out about the recent resignation of John Rudy as the editor of the region newsletter mainly due to lack of material provided to John so he could provide the outstanding newsletter that he had produced for years. A big time thanks to John for a great job!

Alan talked about the region facebook page and discussion about continuing publishing the region newsletter the Squeal, instead of just doing a face book page.

Charlie commented about all of the stories he has written in the past and that he didn’t receive much feedback about and also all of the stories that Alan also wrote as well. Ed thanked both for all of their efforts in writing stories.

There will be an e-board meeting a half an hour before next meeting to discuss the Squeal and face book stuff.

Alan gave the treasures report and at the end of March we had expenses for autocross and banquet and will have income coming in for the first event of the autocross series of the year. The club is doing well even considering the expense of upgrades of timing equipment etc.

Henry gave a 5 year club income history that he has compiled.

There was discussion about the club assets and growth and how everything is going well with the club.

Henry talked about the upcoming Kit car show at Carlisle and that Blue Mountain region will host the autocross there at the event.

Membership in January was 326 and up to 328 for February and again up to 361 for April. The new membership appears to be coming from people going to the face book page.

Geoff talked about the upcoming autocross and that there were already 80 pre registered for the event. Charlie will be the primary safety steward for the event.

John talked about the rally cross series and they have not yet had an event and are still looking for alternate sites and that you can go to and look for Susquehanna region for information. Henry talked about the policy on rental for the Farm Show lot and that the Radio Control Club has held a lease there for many years and will pay the cost and then the region will reimburse the Radio Club for the region using the lot.

There was discussion about the website and face book by Doug.

Under old business GTS will be installing the new tires on the club truck this Friday.

Under new business talked about borrowing the club brooms for the upcoming hill climb event.

Under good and welfare, Alan brought up that the Rose Valley hill climb had been canceled.

Motion to adjourn by Ed and seconded by Henry.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary

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