Meeting Minutes: Feb. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2014

The February 25th member- ship meeting was called to order by Regional Executive Chris Paveglio at 7:32pm. Dave Walter moved and Ed Wormer seconded that the January meeting minutes as printed in The Squeal be approved; the motion passed.

Two new members, Eric and Jared were introduced and welcomed.

Alan Lesher gave the treasury report. Expenses far overwhelmed income but this is normal for this time of year. The treasury is in good shape financially. Alan does not anticipate many more expenses before the autocross season begins at the end of March.

Steve Limbert reported that our membership has grown to 298. Steve also brought up the topic of charitable donations to reduce excessive balances in the treasury.

Chris Paveglio reported that the website is up to date with the autocross and rallycross calendars.

Rallycross chair John Roscinski gave the rallycross report and was asked by new member Eric to describe it and he said the most important thing about rallycross is that it’s fun and it is not what you see on TV – racing but is a solo event similar to autocross but on dirt or gravel.

Alan Lesher moved that we make 2014 a championship series for rallycross with 9 year-end trophies ( one for each class) with no minimum attendance requirement with the rules decided by the rallycross committee. Dave walter seconded and the motion passed.

Chris Paveglio led a discussion of autocross classing, specifically the new Classic American Muscle. We decided that the PAX for the CAM class be the same as Street Mod, not ESP as originally discussed and that the class be limited to cars that were manufactured for the 1983 model year or older. Chris ordered trophy glassware for the autocross series. They will be the same design as last year.

The club is looking for several additional volunteer core workers for autocross registration. Additionally, Geoff Craig is looking for a course designer and for setup help. There are lots of small jobs that we would like people to take responsibility for; remember many hands make light work.

The club truck cleaning party is scheduled for Saturday March 8th. (If the weather is bad March 8th, the cleaning day will be moved to March 16th.) Please call or email Chris Paveglio so that you can join the fun.

Charlie Demmy wondered if we let people know that they received a trophy so that they come to the year-end banquet. It was determined that the autocross class trophy winners were informed but not all of the special award winners were. All this will be corrected for next year.

Alan Lesher reported that long-time member Floyd Conklins’ wife Tina has passed away.

Alan Pozner discussed the SCCA and Tire Rack Street Survival Summit Seminar with the idea of possibly hosting one of these fine events, maybe at Manhiem Auto Auction.

The meeting was adjourned by RE Paveglio at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pozner

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