Meeting Minutes: July 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

July 22, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and he asked if there were any new attendees and I didn’t hear their name. Steve asked Ed if there was anything new and Ed replied that his writing hand is still working but usually can’t keep up with everything that is said.

Alan gave the treasurer’s repot and the club has had an autocross as well as a rallycross which has improved our financial situation even though the club is down from last year but it looks like the club will end up better at the end of the year. On an operational standpoint the club is doing very well.

Region membership is at 260 and there is a continuing effort to contact members who have not renewed and ask them to renew their membership.

Geoff reported on the autocross and participation is up with almost full fields at events. It would be nice if we could find someone to provide refreshments at the events. Geoff congratulated Doug who has volunteered to take over the banquet and awards duties since John Rudy is stepping down from those duties after many years of doing a great job with providing the year end event. The last autocross was well attended with volunteers that helped with set up as well as running the event. Rob presented information to help with registration for the events for competitors. Geoff mentioned that for a change he didn’t need to do anything at the event since there were enough people to get everything done. The club is awaiting the arrival of the new cones and after they come will go thorough and give the marginal cons to the rally cross group for their events.

There was discussion about workers who haven’t fulfilled their worker requirements at events and one of the ways to encouraged participation is that if someone doesn’t fulfill their requirement that their times would be removed from the results. This produced a somewhat heated discussion as what to do about the problem. Also an idea about requiring a worker deposit that would be refunded after fulfilling their assignment. This problem also brought up discussion about how to manage this continuing problem between members on various sides of the discussion dealing with the worker situation.

Henry talked about the use of emergency services at events and that there is a person available for emergencies at Farm Show events. Henry also talked about alternate autocross sites and had looked into the Spook Nook site that is off I283 and the total usable area is 3.2 acres which is less than current sites so it is not going to be an option. This also brought up talk about events in the past and problems today with lots available for use.

Henry talked about the clubs face book sites and that we have 2 different sites and there were discussion about them and talk about linking the old Yahoo site to the new face book sites. Someone in the room who I didn’t know volunteered to help with the website that does it professionally and is willing to help with it in the future. Also there was talk about reintroducing the newsletter in the future.

There was no report on rally crosses and the next one is scheduled for August 29th? The next autocross is scheduled for September 6th.

Doug gave a report on the website and really had nothing new to report.

Dave made a motion to for adjournment.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary.

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