Meeting Minutes: March 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

March 24, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:30

Visitors introduced themselves to members.

The treasurer’s report by Alan stated that the audit has been completed and that the books are in good order. It was mentioned that any unusual expenses should be noted in the minutes. The 1st event of the year is this upcoming weekend so the club should have some good income from that event.

Steve asked Ed if the minutes were OK and Ed stated they were.

Steve mentioned that the membership is up to 347 which is the highest since 2005-06. Henry mentioned he had nothing valuable to add to the membership report.

Steve then mentioned that he had an embolism in his leg that had been removed and he was dealing with the after math of it and that explained why he was not walking normally. Also Steve mentioned that he had contact with Alan Posner and that Alan also had a medical issue but is recovering from it.

Goeff reported on the upcoming autocross event and expects that it will possibly sell out since the weather forecast looks good, even though it will be cold. The projected set up time will be 7AM.

Alan talked about the safety steward for the upcoming event and it appears that all of the attendees of the class that preceded the meeting will be attending the event.

John Rudy was not in attendance so no report on the newsletter that everyone should have received via e-mail.

John gave the rally cross report and mentioned that the April event is cancelled. Now that the winter snow has finally melted away, they are going to be able to go and look at possible sites for future events. There was discussion on the rally cross putting up a Face book page for their events. It was decided that they should use the region page instead of creating a new separate site.

Under old business Jeff brought up the continuing problem with the club trucks tires that develop flat spots from sitting and make the truck virtually un-drivable due to the severe shaking until the tires round out from driving. They are concerned that the problem could produce damage to the truck and would like to replace them. They have been able to find radials and ask if they could purchase them to solve the issues with the current tires. Henry made a motion to allow the expenditure of money to buy new tires and Ed seconded the motion. Steve Ok the purchase of new tires, that is not to exceed $1200.

There was no new business, so Dave made a motion for adjournment and seconded by Jeff.

Before concluding the meeting, Gordon Wise talked about hill climbs and events and invited everyone to come out and attend them. If anyone wanted to they could enter their car for show at the Carlisle Import show thorough the hill climb group. Dave also mentioned that he had old dash plaques that were available if anyone wanted them.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, secretary

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