Meeting Minutes: March 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2016

Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Steve, who noticed a new visitor and someone said he had a Yugo with a V8. It was Russ Addie who, in the past, was an autocrosser as well as a road racer with a formula Ford.

The February minutes were approved as posted.

Alan gave his treasurer’s report. The region had income of around $500 and expenses of around $2600 due to the purchase of the new timing sign. Alan asked if anyone had any expenses to please get with him so they can get paid.

Kristen said the new website development is going great and it is expected to be up sometime in April.

Steve reported on the membership. The number of members is the highest ever at 363, and the highest since May of 2015.

Geoff reported that things are going fine for the autocross that is coming up this weekend March 26 and 27. He would like to find a tech person for the event and the registration is at the limit of 150 for Saturday, but only around 90 for the Sunday event. Henry indicated there will be no other events at the Hershey complex that weekend.

Steve made mention that he is a dealer for Hoosier tires and Alan mentioned that he also can provide Toyo tires as well as brake pads.

John talked about the rallycross school coming up and there was discussion about how much to charge for the event. It was decided at $50. Ed brought up that they might want to look at getting into Indiantown Gap as a possible new location, which generated some discussion about trying to use government locations.

Kristen reported on the Squeal, which is going well.

Under old business Steve and Kristen attended a meeting at the Rolls Royce Museum and talked about things to do to attract younger members to motorsports activities. Kristen was invited back to speak later this year.

Under new business, Russ Addie asked about allowing shifter carts to compete at the autocrosses which prompted discussion. Henry brought up an old issue that running shifter carts requires a larger safety distance from objects, which actually makes it tough to design layouts at our current locations.

There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded and the discussion of allowing shifter carts would continue off the record.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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