Meeting Minutes: May 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 22, 2012

The May General Membership Meeting convened May 22, 2012 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m. by RE Steve Limbert.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report, and with the autocross season in full swing, there is income from the Carlisle Events Autocross, and he’ll be paying the expenses for the upcoming double header on June 17th.

Henry Brillinger said we have 275 members, up two from last month.

Steve Limbert reported we’d received the Region Charter from National. Dave Walter made the motion, 2nd by Alan Pozner that the Charter be kept in Steve Limbert’s shop.

John Rudy discussed The Squeal, the Region Newsletter. John asked for the articles and contributions to keep coming in to him. Henry mentioned that Dr. Gerson “Gus” Rosenberg,
a long time member and national road racing competitor, had contacted him and said, “Great job on The Squeal.” For those who don’t know, Gus was on the development team for an artificial heart at the Hershey Medical Center.

Chris Paveglio said registration is open for the June Double Header. He received the contract for June and other Farm Show events.

John Rudy asked why our events are not published in Sports Car. Henry said they weren’t published until the sanctions have been sent in.

Markus Houser said the Carlisle Events Import Show Autocross had 59 paid entries, with six club members competing.

Charlie said there were about 230 Saabs at the Carlisle event, out of about 1200 cars. Henry said Carlisle Events wants us back in the future.

Henry discussed the article on safety Dennis had in The Squeal. We can have 12-year-olds and older in the grid area, which we must police better at the Hershey events, due to the proximity of the curb to the grid.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Charlie Demmy discussed the June 8th and 9th Hershey Hillclimb/Elegance and will report on it next month. Suzi Zimmerman was soliciting workers for the event, for 10 AM-4PM on Friday, 9 AM-4 PM on Saturday. Suzi said it would be a very interesting weekend.

Alan Lesher said he was going to go before the SVVSCC to plead the case for his Barracuda to run the Hershey hill climb event during “Charity Laps” on Saturday.

Chris Paveglio discussed the B.R.A.K.E. [Be Responsible And Keep Everyone Safe] teenage driving program activities at Manheim Auto Auction. There were some teens instructing, and some parents driving. The tent was donated, and there were 16 vehicles from Chevy [Cruze] and Ford [Focus]. The local fire department waters down the area to allow for wet driving experience. The employee lot was used, which is large enough to have an autocross and/or a school. He’s proposing to contact the township to do a school to benefit the B.R.A.K.E. program.

John Rudy said that the large gap between our August and October events would be a good time to try Manheim. Chris will pursue this.

Steve Limbert discussed the Jefferson 500 event at Summit Point. There were 190 cars, and Peter Brock, the designer of the Cobra Daytona Coupe was there. He said weather was perfect and that when Brian Redman was there, the weather always seemed to be less than perfect.

Charlie discussed the region merchandise, and asked club members to wear their shirts to the next event.

Good and Welfare: None.

Motion to adjourn made by Henry Brillinger, Dave Walter, 2nd. Adjourned at 8:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany, region secretary

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