Meeting Minutes: May 2013

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 28, 2013

The May membership meeting was convened at Gilligan’s on Tuesday, May 28, 2013 at 7:58.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Steve Limbert gave the Membership Report stating that our Region membership was 278.

Because we experienced a small loss on our RallyCross at Trail-Way Speedway, it was suggested that we raise the entry fee. Our $40 entry fee for ten runs is less that most regions. We will reconsider an increase next year. The operators at Trail-Way will make an effort to reduce dust at our next RallyCross by watering the infield the evening before our event and then laying a calcium compound along the course.

Geoff Craig said the Club Truck would be at the Farm Show at 6:30 for our autocross there on June 2. The dates for the following Farm Show autocrosses were reviewed and they will be held on July 7, August 18, and September 15 with a Saturday setup day in each case.

Markus Houser will obtain an additional 500 feet of wire for RallyCross timing as well as a repair kit for broken connections.

It was suggested that we buy 12 new radios to address the problem of unintelligible transmissions by the corner workers. Markus will buy six new radios.

The question of offering non- competition runs at the Farm Show was raised. A determination will be made the day of the event.

Nittney Bimmers are looking for instructors for their Street Survival School on June 22.

Chris Paveglio asked Henry Brillinger to provide him with a copy of the description of the autocross job position duties that was put together some time ago.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 pm.

Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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