Meeting Minutes: May 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 26, 2015

The Region meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30 and Alan gave the treasurer’s report. There was income from membership as well as the recent auto cross as well as expenses. Alan jokingly mentioned that he had noticed a slight problem with his handling of the club treasure and asked if he could hire himself and assistant to keep things in order. There was no discussion offered about that!

The club truck now has its new tires and they work fine without the problems associated with the old bias ply tires.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as handed out to the attending members of the meeting.

Henry reported on the recent event at Carlisle that was hosted by Blue Mountain Region instead of Susquehanna Region and that everything went smoothly and that Blue Mountain Region will take over the event from here on.

There was no membership report but it is possible that we could have even more members but will have to wait until new numbers are in.

Geoff gave the report on the recently held auto cross and the event was fully subscribed. Geoff did report that there were a lot of people from out of town who attended the event. Charlie acted as the Solo Safety Steward for the event but the club needs to find a Chief Steward to do the events. Charlie did volunteer to do the next event at the Farm Show lot if no one else comes forward to act as Solo Steward. Geoff again mentioned that the truck has the new radial tires on it and if anyone is interested in the old tires to contact him about them.

Marcus then brought up the fact that we need to acquire new radios since the batteries on some of the radios are running out of charge before the day is done. Marcus talked about finding a 20 pack of radios with chargers etc. for the cost of $240. There was discussion about them since they are Chinese but it was approved to buying the 20 pack for auto cross events. Marcus also would like to buy some wire for the equipment as well as possibly some new amps for the PA system.

Alan mentioned that there are 11 events scheduled around the area on the same day as our next event so it is possible we might not have as good a turn out as usual.

John then gave a report on rally cross and the previous event was dusty and asked about possibly getting the lot watered before or during the next event on June 13th but Henry said to wait till closer to see if mother nature might do it for us because if we ask the Farm Show to do it we will be committed to them watering even if we don’t need it done. John mentioned that there were some timing issues and other things but the event ran well. John asked about possibly getting a different laptop to use instead of bringing the entire truck to the event when they only need a smaller amount of the equipment for the rally crosses. There was also discussion about no info on Facebook and how that can be addressed with a new format for the region due to no newsletter going out so there was no info about the rally cross event or notification about the event. See attached report on the E-Board meeting held before the regular meeting and how the club will handle notification to members.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary.

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