Meeting Minutes: May 2016

Regional Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2016

Meeting called to order by Steve at 7:30. The region received a letter about a classic car show and anyone is welcomed with a back to 50’s theme on July 16, 11AM—4PM. For more info, email MKRAFT@BRIGHSIDEOPPORTUNITES.ORG. The April minutes were approved as posted.

Alan gave the treasurer’s report and the club had income as well as expenses and some of the events are locked in till the end of the year. The banquet and next four events are paid for.

Kristen spoke of the launch of the region’s new website, which everyone liked. She noticed that the people visiting the site are staying longer than before and the Squeal has been maintaining its number of hits, so people are going there as well. Kristen said that Russ Addie has volunteered to do some video taping of the next autocross event to include on the website. She herself attended an event at Summit Point and it was reported that she did quite well.

Steve reported on the membership and the region is down from 374 to 372, but as usual he will attempt to contact those members who let their membership lapse.

Geoff gave his autocross report and the upcoming event seemed to have decent pre-registration along with everything for the work needed looking good. There appears to be some possible new out of town competitors showing up for the event. There will be another event the following weekend and there was discussion on the setup times for the event. There was also discussion about how to keep the drivers meetings on time as well as topic. Henry mentioned to not allow questions during the meeting, instead asking entrants to stay after the to avoid prolonging the meeting due to questions that most everyone already knows the answers to. There was also talk about car numbers that can be read from the timing truck.

John talked about the rallycross program but there is not much until the next event the following month. Unfortunately people keep asking to run 4 wheel drive SUV’s but they are not allowed per the rules. The next event will be June 25th at the Farm Show lot.

Doug talked about the region Facebook site and everything is going well.

There was no old business or new business. With a motion to adjourn by Dave with a second by Kristen, meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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