Meeting Minutes: Nov. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

November 24, 2015

Meeting was called to order by Steve at 7:30. There were two guests present, Terry and Lynn Hanushek with Terry being our area director from SCCA.

A vote was held for the 2016 Executive Board for Susquehanna Region. Returning are Steve Limbert for Regional Executive, Alan Lesher as Treasure, Ed Womer as Secretary and Geoff Craig as director. Kristen Poole will be the new Assistant RE.

Dave motioned the last months minutes be approved and they were.

Alan gave the treasures report with income being more than expenses, so the club is on good financial ground. There was discussion about the income from the rallycross and the cancelation of the event.

Henry gave the assistant RE report and there was discussion about the supplemental rules. There was a recommendation about revising the information on the website and Markus agreed to fix it.

An E-board meeting was scheduled on December 8th at 7:30PM concerning the trophies that will be presented at the awards banquet.

Steve reported on membership. The region added some members and is now at 345, and Steve is calling members that have lapsed to remind them to renew if they forgot.

Geoff gave the autocross report and there was nothing on events since the season is over but he did talk about the truck work, an upgrade in the software for timing, and the possibility of replacing the display sign. Steve asked that they obtain a cost for replacing the sign. There was discussion about obtaining a club trailer and it was decided that a 14’ long trailer would be sufficient. Geoff will get some info on trailers for the next meeting.

John gave the rallycross report and because the season is over there is nothing planned for the immediate future but he asked about possibly having some kind of equipment available for grooming the lot during the events, if needed.

Kristen gave a report on The Squeal and the response is holding steady from last month.

Doug gave a report on Facebook and there was discussion about possible winter events.

Under old business Charlie said there are t-shirts available and do we want to get things for door prizes at the awards banquet? It was decided that $100 would be allocated to obtain door prizes. There was discussion about the “Thing” and that it needs to be brought back from last year. Kristen agreed to get in touch with Ben Brandt to relay that he needs to add something to it, return it, and give it to someone else at the banquet.

Under new business Terry, our area director, said the club is doing well and had a good turnout for the Runoffs at Daytona. The annual event will move to Mid Ohio next year and then to Indy the following year. There were 1230 entries at the Solo II national and the event will remain at the same venue. They think they can handle 1330 entries, maximum. Terry also talked about the new Track Night program and that it is selling out for the events. He did not have any demographics as for the participants. There is new registration for the runoffs as well as solo nationals and it will be developed for regional events as well. The membership has been slowly climbing which is good for the club. There was discussion about the Pro Racing. It hasn’t been too successful and owes the club money, so the club has gone to a new model of allowing others to operate the series. That has slowly allowed the club to recoup the money spent. The club has gone into the F4 series which is a new class of open-wheeled car and appears to be somewhat inexpensive to participate in. There was also discussion about the future of Summit Point as it is rumored that the government has offered to purchase the facility since they are so involved in using it for various training done there.

Henry made a motion for adjournment and was seconded by Dave.

Respectfully submitted — Ed Womer, Secretary

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