Meeting Minutes: November 2019

Meeting called to order at 19:30

RE Report.  Kristen Poole. Previous minutes passed as posted.

2020 Elections.  Jared McGahen & Melissa Mauro.  Voting in person was done and ballots were collected and counted by Melissa Mauro.

Treasurer Report.  Alan Lesher.  Autocross and Rallycross income were reviewed.  Membership income was reviewed.  Merchandise income was reviewed.  Autocross expenses were reviewed.
Website/Squeal Report. Jake Limm.  Squeal has slight decrease in viewing.  Discussion was made to fill Squeal editor position for 2020.
Facebook Report.  Melissa Mauro.  All is well.
Membership Report.  Andrew Lobb. Currently at 385 members.  Idea to have a Susquehanna showing at the Motorama car show was discussed and approved under the Membership Chair recruitment budget.
Autocross report.  Chris Brown & Melissa Mauro.  Survey still to be sent out.  2020 Committee members are needed.  Registration chief, safety chief, and worker chief are needed to be filled.  Discussion on 2020 venue committee was discussed.
Rallycross Report.  John Roscinski & Nick Landis. Survey results were discussed.  2020 chiefs are good with possible need for a timing chief.
Equipment.  Marcus Houser.  2020 Equipment needs were discussed
Road Rally Report.  Lisa Leatherly.  No new information to report.  Plans for spring 2020 event was discussed.
Banquet Discussion. Melissa Mauro.  Pricing for the banquet in years passed was discussed and costs for the next banquet with regards to the years finances was discussed.  Motion made to raise banquet price to $30 for members and keeping the price at $50 for non members was seconded and motion passed.  Raffle prizes were discussed.  Motion to spend $100 on rifle prizes was made, seconded, and passed.  Program cost was discussed.  Motion for $200 for programs was made, seconded, and passed.
Trophy Plans Melissa Mauro.  Jacket design was approved and ok’ed by the embroidery company.  Pricing tbd.  Tom Hamm photography was approved for plaques.
Old Business-No Old business
New Business  Kristen Poole-Motion to create RE emeritus was made, seconded, and passed.
Jared McGahen-2020 Sponsorship information was reviewed for accuracy.
2020 Election Results-Jared McGahen.  RE is Melissa Mauro, Treasurer is Alan Lesher, who both ran unopposed.  Assistant RE is Nick Landis.  Secretary is Jared McGahen.  Director position is Chris Brown.
Meeting adjourned at 20:40.

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