Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

October 23, 2012

The October General Membership Meeting convened October 23, 2012 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report. There was little income during October, but a number of expenditures. Alan said there is a lag between events and when assessments need
to be paid. The November 18 Rallycross facility rental fee has been paid.

Henry Brillinger said the September minutes needed to be amended. He also suggested that the Weekend Memberships be increased from $5 to $10.
Henry Brillinger gave the Membership Report, which is down 10 from last month. We’re currently at 255 members, and there are 10 people who have not yet paid dues.

Chris Paveglio gave the
Web Site Report. He said he’d updated the series points after it was brought to Kate, Geoff, and Markus’s attention that some cars were classed incorrectly. Jim Snyder made the changes on the year-end points spreadsheet, which Chris posted on the web.

John Rudy thanked his newsletter contributors and said he’s looking for content for upcoming issues of The Squeal.

Geoff Craig discussed the final two series Autocrosses on October 27th and 28th.

Alan Pozner discussed the Road Tire Classes. RT is for Stock class vehicles, but we’ve found people from other categories entering those classes. Alan suggested that Kate Ritter and/or Chris Paveglio discuss appropriate classing for Road Tire entries be discussed at each event’s drivers meeting.

John Roscinski discussed the upcoming Rallycross at Susquehanna Speedway. We have a number of Rallycross Safety Stewards involved with the upcoming event. This event will have two individuals who have been the major organizers in DC Region’s Rallycross series. The Rallycross gates will open at 7 a.m., and start at 9:30. All competitors will receive at least one pace lap.

Alan Lesher said for the Rallycross, normal Autocross rules are applicable for helmet, seat belt, and stock seat.

Chris Paveglio opened a discussion on the Club Truck. Alan Lesher read Henry’s report on the truck, and repairs, not replacement are the preferred option. It’ has some suspension, safety and cosmetic issues to correct after the season is over. Chassis work will be done by Stanley Springs, a glass shop for the damaged windows, Alan said he thinks he knows a place that can repair the seats.

Other issues with the truck are signage, Alan Lesher will check out graphics to supplement the ASCC logo. He will get the costs.

Henry Brillinger introduced the Nominations for a slate of 2013 Region Officers. John Rudy also nominated Chris Paveglio for Regional Executive. The Nominations were closed. Nominations will reopen just prior to the elections at the November 27 meeting.

The Slate of 2013 Region Officers is as follows:

  • Steve Limbert and Chris Paveglio – Regional Executive
  • Henry Brillinger – Assistant Regional Executive
  • Alan Lesher – Treasurer
  • Dennis Cipriany – Secretary
  • Geoff Craig – Director (3yr)


Geoff Craig recommended giving complimentary Year-end Awards Banquet invitations to our National Solo Champions.

Charlie Demmy suggested having a cleanup day for the Club Truck in the Spring.

GOOD AND WELFARE: Charlie Demmy mentioned he had some Region shirts for sale.

Motion to adjourn was made by Dave Walter, 2nd by Alan Pozner. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany Region Secretary

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