Meeting Minutes: Oct. 2015

Regional Meeting Minutes

October 27, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Steve. The last month’s minutes were approved as posted in the newsletter.

Alan gave the treasures report and the club is in good financial shape with income from last month.

Henry reported that the annual banquet responsibilities have been taken over by Doug and asked if the club wants to have music for the banquet. Do we want to have a slide show? How much are we going to charge for the banquet? Will there be a different charge for members verses non-members? Dave made a motion to charge $10 a head for the banquet and the motion carried.

Steve reported on the membership and it has gone up to 353 from last month’s 350.

Kristen gave the report on The Squeal. The open count is down from last month but we did see an increase in opens by 10% in October.

Geoff reported on the autocross events which were sold out a week in advance, had good weather and the timing also went well. It looks like the truck might need some minor maintenance but it will not be needed anymore this season. It appears as though the threat to remove competitor’s times that did not fulfill their work assignments was successful since everyone helped out with the event. There was discussion about possibly limiting the number of runs so there would be more time to allow more competitors to run or not.

Henry asked how many events the club would possibly want for next year and the consensus was to try to have 13 events.

Marcus talked about digital time signs for the events and there was discussion about them.

Geoff discussed the possibility of purchasing a trailer to be used for timing in addition to the club truck. Although the cost for a specialty built trailer is high, the cost of a standard trailer and retrofitting it could provide a substantial savings and Ed offered to do a retrofit on a standard trailer, if possible.

John gave the report on the rallycross which was rained out and Henry said that the Farm Show will give us credit for the cancelled event towards next year.

Doug reported that feedback from Facebook was great for the events and how they are operated.

Under new business, there was discussion about how to provide registration for events in the future. There was also discussion about the numbers on the competitor’s cars and how the workers are sometimes unable to see them for reporting purposes.

Henry moved for adjournment and it was seconded by Dave but then Henry moved to withdraw his motion and reopen the meeting for nominations. Steve Limbert was nominated for Regional Executive, Kristen Poole was nominated for Assistant Regional Executive, Ed Womer was nominated for Secretary, Alan Lesher was nominated for Treasurer and Geoff Craig was nominated for Three-Year Director.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Womer, Secretary

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