Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2012

Regional Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2012

The September General Membership Meeting convened September 28, 2012 at Gilligan’s, Harrisburg, at 8:00 p.m.

Alan Lesher gave the Treasurer’s Report, and listed the income from the August autocrosses. The charges for the autocrosses for July have all been paid.

There are two autocrosses coming up the end of October at Giant’s Center at Hershey Park, and these expenses will need be to paid.

The Banquet is coming up in January 12, and discussion was initiated about fees for it. It is a bit ahead of last year.

He’s paying for two events in August, the Double Doubles on August 19th and 26th.

Henry Brillinger gave the Membership Report, which is down eight from last month. He said historically the membership is lowest in the September/October timeframe. We’re currently at 265 members, and there are 10 people that have not paid dues.

John Rudy mentioned he’d like to get a sports car related blurb for The Squeal each month. There was discussion about how to increase articles.

John also mentioned about the Temporary Membership, and what other Regions charge, versus what Susquehanna Region charges. Discussion will take place in the future regarding what the Region charges.

John Roscinski discussed the upcoming Rallycross at Susquehanna Speedway.

There was no Web Site report as Chris Paveglio was not present.

Geoff Craig and Kate Ritter initiated discussion about the autocrosses. Alan Pozner will design the Hershey courses at the end of October.

Henry Brillinger mentioned he’d had a discussion with National about the rained out August event.

Geoff Craig discussed the possibility of locating one of the displays remotely, and Alan Pozner discussed using a laptop to drive it. Geoff and Markus will investigate.

Henry Brillinger made the motion that: “The Executive Board hereby authorizes our Regional Executive to incur the expenses and execute such contracts and other instruments that are necessary in order to routinely operate our rallycross events. The Executive Board reserves the right to review for approval or disapproval such proposed expenditures that are defined by the Board as not routine.” Dave Walter 2nd the motion. It was accepted as unanimous.

We have a number of Rallycross Safety Stewards that will be involved with the upcoming event. Rallycross event discussions in the past had been shut down due to discussions on the times.

The Truck Committee will be chaired by Alan Lesher, to determine what to do about the club truck. Fixing the truck for the short term would be the most prudent move.

NEW BUSINESS Nominations for 2013 Region Officers will be entertained at the October meeting with lections in November.

Alan Lesher initiated discussion about the transport of the club truck to and from events and the possibility that some compensation be made to the individual driving the truck. It failed by tie vote.

Steve Limbert charged Alan with bringing back information for the next meeting about the the truck.


Motion to adjourn was made by Dave Walter, 2nd by Henry Brillinger.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Dennis Cipriany Region Secretary

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