Meeting Minutes: Sept. 2014

Regional Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2014

Regional Executive Steve Limbert called the September 23 meeting to order at 7:30 pm at Gilligan’s Restaurant.

Treasurer Alan Lesher reported on the club finances. The treasury remains in good shape but the balance declined a bit due to prepayment of the expenses of future events. Steve Limbert pointed out that the by- laws require that the treasurer’s records be audited annually and that we should consider an audit of those records this year.

Steve Limbert reported that region membership declined from 340 to 333 this month.

Markus Houser reported that our website is working well and that all results have been posted.

There were two reports that difficulty was experienced in reading the file copy of The Squeal. Those reporting the problem said they will try reading the copy that is posted to our website to see if that solves their problem.

Geoff Craig reported that Jeremy Utterback was leaving the area so we will need someone to assume the responsibility for running registration at our autocross events. Geoff also suggested that we may want to consider running fewer events in the future and we may want
to consider running our series in conjunction with other clubs. A discussion followed about the possible use of the Harley Davidson lot in York for autocross but Dave Walter pointed out that a binding contract could not be written for its use because the lot owner requires flexibility in the potential use of the lot.

Henry Brillinger announced that he had reserved the small room at the back of the formal dining room for an E-Board meeting on December 9 for the purpose of determining trophy awards and other issues in regards to the our Annual Awards Banquet which will be held on January 17, 2015. Meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Henry Brillinger, Acting Secretary

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