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Meeting Minutes: September 2021
September Meeting called to order September 23, 2021, 18:55.
RE REPORT – Melissa Mauro. August minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report – Alan Lesher. Expenses were discussed. Currently at a net profit for the year. No major expense surprises occurred.
Meeting Minutes: August 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:01. August 26, 2021
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-meeting called to order. July minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report. Finances were discussed. Expenses were paid out. Once again, they are behind in reporting due to how
Meeting Minutes: July 2021
July meeting called to order July 22, 2021, 19:01.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro. June minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher. Expenses for June were discussed. Overall, down for the year but finances July income is not reported yet.
Meeting Minutes: June 2021
June meeting called to order June 23, 2021, 19:08.
RE REPORT-Rich Thomas. May minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher. Income is down for the year but that is to be expected given the nature of reporting. Other
Meeting Minutes: May 2021
Meeting called to order at 19:06
RE Report. Melissa Mauro-meeting called to order.
Treasurer Report. Finances were discussed for the month of April. Income from the autocross and rallycross events was brought in. Most income is being reported behind the
Meeting Minutes: April 2021
March meeting called to order April 22, 2021, 19:10.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro. March minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher. Results of the audit were discussed. Most season expenses were paid. Income still to be received once events
Meeting Minutes: March 2021
March meeting called to order March 25, 2021, 19:17.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro. Feburary minutes passed as posted. New sponsors for 2021 were discussed.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher. Membership income and software expenses were discussed. Finances for the upcoming season
Meeting Minutes: February 2021
February 26, 2021, meeting called to order at 1908.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro. January minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher. Membership income and expenses were discussed.
Membership Report-Andrew Lobb. Currently at 401 members. Regional cars and coffees
Meeting Minutes: January 2021
Meeting called to order January 28, 2021, 1910. Location ABC Brewery.
RE Report-Melissa Mauro. November minutes passed as posted. Club charter to be renewed and sent to national office. Annual waivers are recommended for all members. Proposed change to sponsorships
Meeting Minutes: November 2020
Meeting called to order November 19, 2020, 19:15. Location: ABC Brewery.
Open Voting– Jared McGahen – Floor was opened for in person voting in club elections.
RE Report– Melissa Mauro – October minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report