July 2024: Meeting Minutes

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:01pm

RE’s Report — Mauro

  • Website migration complete

Treasurer’s Report — Lesher 

  • Autocross, Rallycross, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.

Membership Committee Report — Greg

  • May to June – 18 new members
  • June to current – 6 new members
  • 507 members total

Club Communication

  • The Squeal July issue sent to 1000+ recipients
  • 531 opens with 53.2% open rate
  • Working with new website host, should be normal soon
  • Transfer of domain completed today / waiting for DNS to propagate over
  • Migration successful / waiting for updates to finish – ETA from host 24-48 hrs from today
  • Rebuild prototype site
  • FB rallycross page – 6 approved / 4 declined
  • FB main page (2500 members total) – 26 approved / 14 declined – 1% growth 

Autocross Committee Report — Mauro/Benfer/Springer

  • Last event was smoothest in history, went well all around, everything on time, had a good time
    • Few people at reg asked about email the night before – didn’t happen
    • Jared’s preference to run novices at the same time – not working, very challenging, it was the only hiccup of the day, not enough instructors when novices are all together, novices not classing correctly (ie: need to select a specific class, not just novice). This impacted timing – could be addressed prior to their heat ie: at tech
    • MSR options when registering? Pro / novice / none 
      • Word it better in MSR for registration (ie: if you are a novice, choose “N”…)
      • Simplify by making it mandatory to sign up for both? (ie: STS + STS or STS + N)
      • Then you have to remove the second “STS” (only Pro/Novice stay in) otherwise have to edit each person – can this be fixed in AXWare?
    • Can send emails through MSR ahead of time – who all has MSR access?
    • Asked David Myers to review entry list re: classing
    • Melissa/Rob/Chris decide the best strategies to assign workers

Rallycross Committee Report Report — Roscinski 

  • Event in 1.5 weeks / 19 entries so far

Scavenger Road Rally Report — Chilcote/Dellinger

  • Nothing to report at the moment
  • Co-chair not available

Old Business

  • After last event checked all timers/battery for draw
  • After May event – set all tires to 80lb. They went to 83 except for left inner went to 65
  • One tire has slow leak (10-20lb per month)
  • Truck has no draw / battery at end of life (originally from Advance Auto) / negative terminal won’t get tight
  • Will replace battery and negative terminal before next event
  • Address left inner tire if we’re concerned – something broken off on battery terminal
  • Rob going to replace loose negative terminal when replacing battery 
  • 2025 Mini Meet – 3 more people to talk to, meeting with Roger early next week 
  • Tshirt group chat – Heather/Alex/Nat made designs
  • Email amongst group to pick amount vs. 3-4 designs
  • Vote on 1 design that encompasses both AX and RX
  • Use Facebook poll for ordering & sizes on both AX and RX pages (“if you like this design and you’ll buy a shirt, tell us what size”)
  • Start with small run of womens shirts? See what interest is
  • Option to pay cash on site since MSR charges a fee for every $10 + $2 fee – look into exact fees
  • Pre-order through MSR so we have exact quantities?
  • Logistically a pain to use MSR for shirts only / get shirts ready
  • Get a final quote from Alex’s vendor (for front & back and sleeves if needed)

New Business

  • New members in attendance: 4

Comments, Announcements or Good and Welfare announcements

  • N/A

Motion to Adjourn, Meeting Adjourned at 7:38pm

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