Meeting Minutes: April 2020

Meeting called to order at 19:37, April 23, 2020.

RE Report-Melissa Mauro: Covid 19 update.  Everything remains shut down and Susquehanna is unable to host anything in this current state.
Treasury Report-Alan Lesher: Update as March 31, 2020.  Income was discussed from sponsorships and expenses were discussed.
Autocross Report-Chris Brown and Melissa Mauro:  A title sponsor has been obtained.  Keiser’s Garage.  Kristen Poole has agreed to teach a SSS webinar on May 14.  Registration chiefs have been filled.  Autocross school was discussed at Dallastown HS.  Safety plans need to be implemented for when racing does resume.
Rallycross Report-Nick Landis and John Roscinski: Rallycross events have been cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions.  They are hopeful for June 5 event.  Contingency plans were discussed to still have a season.
Old Business-Truck Cleanout-Melissa Mauro.  Decision was made to wait on truck clean out as the season is on hold and there are current safety restrictions in place due to Covid 19.
-Melissa Mauro:  Banquet contract with Sheraton was discussed.  A revised contract was given and the minimum price to spend was reduced.  Decision was made to keep banquet at the Sheraton.
New Business-Safety Vest-John Roscinski.  Request for safety vest for specific job titles such as grid, safety, tech, etc.  Motion made to acquire vest, seconded and passed.
-Chair season discount-Melissa Mauro.  Idea to give out free entry to program chairs for the season was discussed.  Decision was made to table until next year.
Meeting adjourned 20:37.

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