Meeting Minutes: April 2022

April 2022 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

Meeting called to order on April 28, 2022 at 7:06pm

  • Minutes from the March meeting were approved as written
  • RE Report: Melissa Mauro
    • New title sponsor on board for 2022
      • Casalingo Foods
  • Treasurer’s Report: Melissa Mauro
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
  • Membership report: Melissa Mauro
    • Susquehanna has gained 51 new region members since January
    • 14 members added in March
    • Total membership is 497 members
    • 400 members makes us a “large” region
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • For the Squeal, there was 48% open rate, about 3.5% click through and 414 total recipients with 162 emails delivered.
    • Website update – Annual tech information is on the squeal, will look into setting up a dedicated page for this on the autocross section of the website
    • Website saw uptick in audience 78% growth from Feb-March in user count. New user count saw 77% growth.
    • Marcus figured out what was making the website misbehave
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • Main page 27 new members, 2 declines, 1 blocked
    • RallyCross and RallySprint Facebook page approved 26 new members, 11 declines, and 1 blocked.
    • Those that were blocked were from another continent, so Jason thought they were not legitimate. Discussion ensued about if they were real requests or not.
  • Autocross Report: Mellissa Mauro
    • Annual tech will be done at the next autocross event
    • Test and Tune autocross event will be published on MSR very soon
    • 100 new cones and grid cones arrived today.
    • Autocross has a new venue. The Bendigo Airport near Tower City, PA. This is in the Susquehanna Region.
      • The Test and Tune will be held here – will be limited to 50 people
      • When dealing with airports, you have to get approval from the FAA and PA
  • Rallycross: John Roscinski
    • First event was held the past weekend as well as our first Rallycross School since 2019
      • Kept the number of attendees low (14) so we can personalize the lessons and get everyone lots of practice
      • Lots of good feedback for the school
    • We had 38 competitors for the first event
    • There were some international competitors that are not native english speakers, so there was discussion about trying to find some multilingual members that may be able to help with translations at events
    • Melissa works with some vendors that may be able to translate some documents such as driver meeting notes. Perhaps she can work with them to translate and laminate them so we can hand them to folks that may have a hard time understanding spoken english directions.
  • RallySprint: Adam Moore
    • The first events is coming up May 21 and 22. 4 people are signed up for Saturday and 3 of those people are also signed up for Sunday
    • These 4 entires are covering 54% of the fees
    • There was concern expressed that it will not be profitable
      • Adam said we should establish a drop dead date regarding a go/no-go for the event so competitors have enough time to cancel their hotel and get refunded
      • Adam M is going to look into hotel restrictions etc to determine when a drop dead date should be set for go/no-go.
    • The Raptor Club is donating draining pipe for the rallycross course. Later this year the RallySprint crew will work with them to install the pipe and try to fix water control issues
    • Alan Gouker is going to start working with the PA Hillclimb Association to get licensing to do tech and issue logbook so that someone in-house can do this work if RallySprint branches into level 2, and also support other regions that want to stand up level 2 events
    • Nick picked up a giant clock for $79.99 and Adam M is working with Slow Sally to get some rally signage and controls and finish line signs, 7 signs for $159
  • Road Rally: Lisa Leathery
    • No updates since the last meeting on the Fulton County Barn Tour
    • Scavenger Hunt Road Rally (Mike C and Adam D co-chairs) is set for Saturday September 24th, but we still need a safety steward
      • Melissa, Mike, Brian, Lisa will are going to get certified for general road rally needs.
    • Still need to figure out a home base for the rally, looking at some place like South Mountain Fairgrounds. We need to figure out what would it cost to get a pavilion for a day so we can have a cookout or something
    • Chairs already have a lot of stops and driver meeting notes figured out
  • Old Business
    • Sweatshirts – still waiting on a price from vendor. Melissa will follow up once she has pricing
      • Need a Chief shirt for Greg S and perhaps whoever takes on Tech for RallyCross
    • Chair and Chief event discount-
      • Last year there was a registration discount for Chairs and Chiefs. Melissa wanted to look at funds from last year and see how the programs did to see if this is something the club can afford to do again
      • Based on the circumstances for 2022, Melissa made a motion offering the same discount for Chairs and Chiefs for 2022 similar to 2021
        • Board approved the Chair and Chief discount
  • New Business
    • Club truck needs new front ties – board approved
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:55

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