Meeting Minutes: August 2021

Meeting called to order at 19:01. August 26, 2021
RE Report.  Melissa Mauro-meeting called to order. July minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report.  Finances were discussed. Expenses were paid out. Once again, they are behind in reporting due to how MSR pays out.
Membership Report. No report given
Social Media Report. No report given
Website Report. Jake Limm. Website views are up, which is to be expected given we are in the midst of the season.
Autocross Report.  Chris Brown, Rob Springer, Melissa Mauro.  Reports from the test and tune and school events were discussed. Overall very good feedback was received from participants. Only on course issues were pedestrians and bikers circumventing barriers in place. Motion made for $20 off for a future event for all instructors at the school. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Rallycross Report.  Nick Landis & John Roscinski. Rallycross event went very well. Course held up well and dust was less.  Only incident was a mechanical failure on the very last car. Safety adjustments were being made regularly throughout the day to adjust to course conditions. More effort to be made to make sure course workers don’t switch stations.
Rally Sprint- Nick Landis. Rally Sprint practice event was cancelled. Motion made to not allow any rally sprint events for charity. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Old Business
New Business-
Meeting adjourned 19:56

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