Meeting Minutes: August 2023

August 2023 Membership Meeting

SCCA – Susquehanna Region

  • Meeting called to order on August 24, 2023 at 7:13pm
  • Minutes from the July meeting were approved as posted
  • RE Report:
    • No report this month
  • Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher
    • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.
    • Open call for informal financial review: Melissa is still working on finding accounting-minded individuals to help with an informal financial review, and there are couple folks that have been identified to help
  • Membership report: Greg Szczyrbak
    • 8 new members since last meeting
    • Total membership is 473 total members
  • Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm
    • Website: active users – 920, and new users – 867
    • Jake and Natalie continue to work on simplifying website content
    • Squeal went out successfully, had a 40.61% open rate, 16 clickthrough rate
    • 953 emails delivered
  • Facebook update: Jason Felty
    • For the main Facebook group, the following number of new follower were:
      • 20 approved
      • 3 declined
      • 2297 total membership
    • For the rallycross group there was:
      • 11 approved
      • 4 declined
      • 1373 total membership
  • Autocross Report: Rob Springer
    • HACC event was cancelled at the last minute – moving forward if we want to consider another event at HACC – club leadership will need to meet face-to-face meeting with all involved parties on the HACC side.
      • Will look into this for an event for next season
    • 30 Susquehanna members at Pocono last weekend – that event went well
  • Rallycross Report: John Roscinski
    • Had an event on the 12th – 32 people signed up, which is a little lighter than normal
    • Overall the event went well. Might need to add some help for future event, especially another Safety Steward
    • York Rake is still working out well for course maintenance
  • Road Rally: Adam Dellinger
    • Still waiting on updates for the grant
    • Natalie Limm has drafted some fantastic graphics for us to use for promotion
    • Registration page on motorsportsreg has been started – will be live very soon.
    • Polaris slingshots – Still need to get a hold of National level staff regarding if these are allowed as vehicles that can participate in the road rally.
  • Old business
    • Web server updates – club still needs to pick one. Jake will send available options to Marcus for feedback, and they will provide final choice to Melissa
    • Timing computers – purchased and delivered. Have been formatted.
    • Corvettes at Carlisle – we made postcards with Susq events on them to drop off for promotion of our events. Will try to drop them off on Friday.
  • New Business
    • Potential venue for a cars and coffee in Gratz. Greg S will lead conversations with potential site owner.
  • Meeting adjourned at 7:52pm

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