Meeting Minutes: February 2021

February 26, 2021, meeting called to order at 1908.
RE REPORT-Melissa Mauro.  January minutes passed as posted.
Treasurer Report-Alan Lesher.  Membership income and expenses were discussed.
Membership Report-Andrew Lobb.  Currently at 401 members.  Regional cars and coffees were discussed for membership promotion.  A car show to replace the cancelled Motorama event was discussed at the Carlisle Fairgrounds.  Facebook advertising was discussed.  Potential to reach out to nationals to see what they offer for broader advertising.  Local research was done to see what non SCCA members were most hesitant about joining for.
Website Squeal-Jake Limm (read by Melissa Mauro) Squeal had higher open rates.  Website also has higher uptick in views.  More time is being spent on the website.
Facebook Report-Jason Felty. 35 new members.  Certain keywords were added to alert admins of any potential issues.
Autocross Report-Melissa Mauro.  Farm show approved several dates.  Discussion was to have a region season opener in lieu of in-person banquet.
Rallycross Report-John Roscinski, Nick Landis.  Dates approved from nationals for sanctions.  Test and Tune event to be had with 6 points events.
Rallysprint Report-Nick Landis.  Course prep work set for mid March and to be in conjunction with the other programs at the off road park.  Costs estimates TBD for track prep work.  Rausch Creek offered to extend the contract out later for their site use.
Banquet-Melissa Mauro.  Sheraton cannot host people at this current time.  Banquet will be virtual for 2021.
Loaner Helmets-Melissa Mauro.  Loaner helmets are ready to ship out and will be shipped out in the next few days.
Meeting adjourned at 21:32.

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