Meeting Minutes: February 2022

February 24, 2022 

Meeting called to order on February 24, 2022 at 7:11pm

Minutes from the January meeting were approved as written

Treasurer’s Report: Alan Lesher

  • Autocross, Rallycross, RallySprint, membership & sponsorship income, distribution, and YTD figures were reviewed.

RE Report: Melissa Mauro

  • Membership Chief Positions
    • Looking to establish new Chief positions in each program rather than having a Membership Chair for the whole region
    • Ideally, Chiefs should be good at talking to people, be willing to answer questions for new participants, and be able to represent the club responsibly on social media.
    • The person’s job would be to attend at every event and be a welcoming person to new people and spectators. Also, they should think of some way to do membership drives (discounts, coupons, or giveaways).
    • Talk to Melissa or Program Chairs if you are interested.

Communication Report – Website and Squeal: Jake Limm

  • Jake is still looking for someone who likes web development – specifically WordPress. For the love of God, please let Jake know if this is you.
  • We saw an uptick in website use from last month – roughly 7% increase in users, sessions up 10%.
  • A comment was made that all the pics on the website slideshow are of autocross. Melissa will show Jake how to update those pics to diversify the picture slideshow.
  • There was a 44% open rate on latest Squeal.

Facebook: Jason Felty

  • The Rallycross facebook page has 15 new approved members – 1% growth
  • 10 new members for main page

Autocross: Mellissa Mauro

  • Farm show dates are confirmed but the paperwork has not yet been signed and returned, so we can’t announce dates yet. Will make dates public as soon as the paperwork is complete.
  • There is one potential new venue for this year, but we still need to work out a price and time of use. It’s a smaller venue, so to might be used for a test and tune event.

Rallycross: John Roscinski

  • No dates set in stone for Farm Show lot
  • John was contacted by owners of a potential site that was previously visited by RallyCross Chiefs to see if we want to have an event there this year. John responded that we are still waiting to hear on the dates from Farm Show. Perhaps we can try an event there in October when we don’t have something planned at Farm Show, such as a non-points test and tune.
  • Some RallyCross competitors identified another potential site that John will visit soon.

RallySprint: Kyle Salerno and Adam Moore

  • Plan to increase entry price for competitors to help with profitability of these events.
  • Last year, Kyle prepped one 3/4mi and one 1/4mi bypass to avoid obstacles and potential water hazards.
  • Negotiated new, lower rates with new EMS organization to lower these costs for the club
  • Roush Creek offered a discounted rate if the club runs a 2 day event (which will help with profitability)
  • Leaders have worked to find solutions to timing issues. The answer likely falls on using 1 of 2 available apps – NASA Rally Sport app (android) or FinishTime app (iOS). These apps do not require a constant cell data connection.
  • Leadership is currently researching better alternatives for consumables and safety equipment for this season to improve durability of equipment.
  • RallySprint is proposing to run up to 4 events for 2022. They are considering building in rain dates so competitors can count on a backup date. That will encourage competitors to commit to participating and buy in on the “early” or “normal” rates. Competitors have commented in the past that rain dates would be helpful.

Old Business: Melissa Mauro

  • Tomorrow night is a planning meeting with all three 3 program Chairs and Chiefs.

New Business

  • Mike Chilcote: In 2022, we are rotating the membership meeting location. Meetings will be held at ABC Harrisburg every other month, with the months in-between at a new venue each time. Next week will likely be at Molly Pitcher Brewing in Carlisle.
  • Rob Springer: National level autocross in DC area coming up at FedEx field – should be fun.

Meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM

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